[D66] [JD: 117] Should you get vaccinated? (XXXL)

R.O. juggoto at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 08:09:41 CEST 2021

trialsitenews.com <https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-get-vaccinated/>

  Should you get vaccinated?

Steve Kirsch
201-256 minutes

I always get vaccinated. I have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna
COVID vaccine. My three daughters have all been vaccinated.

I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800
Americans <https://twitter.com/stkirsch/status/1403842234164736004>
(which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000
more. And we’re only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these
vaccines NOW before more people are killed.

The CDC, FDA, and NIH aren’t disclosing how many people have been killed
or disabled from the COVID vaccines. The mainstream media isn’t asking
any questions; they are playing along. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and
others are all censoring content that goes against the “perfectly safe”
narrative so nobody is the wiser. Tony Fauci, the “father of COVID,” is
still in his job even though all of this is his fault. Cliff Lane, who
reports to Tony, is still sandbagging early treatments so that people
will falsely believe that the vaccine is the only option. The Democrats
are still asleep at the wheel by refusing to request Fauci’s unredacted
emails from the NIH which will prove he covered up the fact he created
the virus in the first place. Biden is clueless urging Americans to
vaccinate their kids with a deadly vaccine that has likely killed more
than 25,000 Americans so far. Academics in the medical community are
nearly all clueless, urging people to get the safe and effective
vaccine. When I tried to bring this to the attention of leading
academics they told me I was wrong and not to contact them ever again.
Sound too hard to believe? I don’t blame you. But there is a reason that
this article is the most popular article that has ever been on
TrialSiteNews with over 1M views so far. It’s because everything I’ve
said is true. And nobody will debate me live about it. They all refuse.

Based on what I *now *know about the miniscule vaccine benefits (less
than a .5% reduction in absolute risk), side effects (including death),
current COVID rates, and the success rate of early treatment protocols,
*the answer I would give today to anyone asking me for advice as to
whether to take any of the current vaccines would be, “Just say NO.”*
Waiting for Novavax
other traditional vaccines) is a much safer option. If you get COVID in
the meantime, treating with early treatment protocols that incorporate
fluvoxamine and ivermectin is vastly superior to getting the most
dangerous vaccine in the last 30 years.

Vaccines are particularly contraindicated if you have already been
infected with COVID or are under age 20. For these people, I would say
“*NO! NO! NO!*”

In this article, I will explain *what I have learned since I was
vaccinated that totally changed my mind*. You will learn how these
vaccines work and the shortcuts that led to the mistakes that were made.
You will understand why there are so many side effects and *why these
are so varied* and why they usually happen within 30 days of
vaccination. You will understand why kids are having heart issues (for
which there is no treatment), and temporarily losing their sight, and
ability to talk. You will understand why as many as 3% may be severely
disabled by the vaccine. You will understand why doctors aren’t
reporting these as vaccine-related.

*What I find deeply disturbing is the lack of transparency on how
dangerous the current COVID vaccines are. *Healthy people could end up
dead or permanently disabled at a rate that is “off the charts” compared
with any other vaccine in our history. Look at the death report in our
government’s official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
summarized in the tweet below. *This is the most deadly vaccine we’ve
ever made by a long shot.* That’s why they have to give you incentives
to get vaccinated. They need to vaccinate everyone BEFORE people read
this article or watch this video of Dr. Peter McCullough explaining
clearly why the current COVID vaccines are unsafe and completely
unnecessary for our children

The death rate from this vaccine is off the charts, more than all 70
vaccines over the past 30 years combined

The stopping condition of a typical vaccine is 25-50 deaths. But there
isn’t a stopping condition for this vaccine! It appears we’ve killed
over 25,800 people (based on CDC “unexplained deaths”)
<https://austingwalters.com/covid19-vaccine-risks/> and nobody is
batting an eye. The CDC is focused on how to vaccinate more people.
Clinics today report as high as a 10:1 ratio of vaccine-related cases to
COVID cases. So now we have a new health emergency: deaths and
disability from the vaccines.

But this is just the beginning of our story. We have a lot of ground to
cover. I’ll talk about Fauci, NIAID, CDC, Congress, academia, Cliff
Lane, and more. I will close with action items you can take and how to
treat vaccine victims.

Before we jump into the details, here are some key points:

 1. At least 25,000 deaths from the vaccine. The OpenVAERS team think it
    is over 20,000 due to under reporting. But we looked at the CMS
    database and it appears VAERS is under-reporting by 5X. And the CDC
    excess unexplained deaths are 25,000 as well
    <https://austingwalters.com/covid19-vaccine-risks/>. It matches up.
 2. *NOBODY will debate me*. People resort to personal attacks because
    they can’t attack the facts. But nobody who counts (e.g., over 10K
    Twitter followers) will debate me. I’ve tried everything. People are
    too afraid I’ll win. If you have at least 10K Twitter followers and
    agree to a recorded live Zoom debate, just say so in the comments
 3. Biodistribution data shows massive accumulation in ovaries of the
    LNP (which instructs cells in ovaries to sprout toxic spike
    protein). Whoops. That was never supposed to be leaked out. We
    obtained it via FOIA request. The CDC never told you about that one,
    did they? Of course not!
 4. 82% miscarriage rate in first 20 weeks
    (10% is the normal rate). It is baffling that the CDC says the
    vaccine is safe for pregnant women when it is so clear that this is
    not the case. For example, one our family friends is a victim of
    this. She miscarried at 25 weeks and is having a D&C on 6/9/21. She
    had her first shot 7 weeks ago, and her second shot 4 weeks ago. The
    baby had severe bleeding of the brain and other disfigurements. Her
    gynecologist had never seen anything like that before in her life.
    They called in a specialist who said it was probably a genetic
    defect (because everyone buys into the narrative that the vaccine is
    safe it is always ruled out as a possible cause). No VAERS report.
    No CDC report. Yet the doctors I’ve talked to say that it is over
    99% certain it was the vaccine. The family doesn’t want an autopsy
    for fear that their daughter will find out it was the vaccine. This
    is a perfect example of how these horrible side effects just never
    get reported anywhere.
 5. 25X the possibility of myocarditis
    for teen boys (can lead to heart failure and death)
 6. Kids already have natural immunity (Science Magazine article
    so there is no benefit to vaccination, only risk. Have you ever seen
    the risk / benefit analysis by the CDC?? Ask for it before you consent.
 7. No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Findings of
    Cleveland Clinic study
    No benefit, only risk.
 8. Doctors who attribute adverse events to the vaccine are punished
    (such as Dr. Hoffe
    So under reporting is incentivized.
 9. The CDC refuses to say how many people have died and is “still
    investigating” heart damage in kids even though it is obvious why
    (free spike protein causing clotting and inflammation). A 25X
    increase when the only “new” thing is the vaccine isn’t hard to
    figure out. Ask the CDC for their current top 5 hypotheses for the
    cause. It will be more than amusing to see what they say. If it
    isn’t the vaccine, heads should roll.
10. The CDC is deliberately misleading the American people. Check out
    the side effects page
    Death, disability, excessive miscarriage rates, heart attacks,
    stroke, inability to walk, talk, or see, Bell’s Palsy, persistent
    pain, Parkinson’s like symptoms, re-activation of shingles, blood
    clots, etc. are all missing.
11. >500X more deadly than the flu vaccine
12. COVID vaccines have generated more adverse reports in the last 6
    months than all 70 vaccines over the past 30 years combined. They
    missed that one.
13. Defective virus design (s1 was never supposed to be free, inclusion
    of PEG was unnecessary and allows LNP to be widely distributed)
14. Strong opposition to vaccination by extremely credible voices like
    Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche
    <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGBDETOPAJA>, others
15. NIAID (Cliff Lane) is improperly manipulating the COVID Treatment
    Guidelines to make it appear these drugs do not work, thus giving
    the world the false impression that the vaccine, even if imperfect,
    is the only way out. Ivermectin and fluvoxamine have been confirmed
    in Phase 3 trials. Ivermectin has a very high quality systematic
    review, the highest possible level in Evidence Based Medicine.
    Repurposed drugs are safer and more effective than the current
    vaccines. In general, early treatment with an effective protocols
    reduce your risk of dying by more than 100X so instead of 600,000
    deaths, we’d have fewer than 6,000 deaths. NOTE: The vaccine has
    already killed over 6,000 people and that’s from the vaccine alone
    (and doesn’t count any breakthrough deaths).
16. Vaccines skipped proper toxicology studies in order to bring to
    market faster. We don’t know what we don’t know.
17. The unpredictable and horrifying side effects of this vaccine on
    heathy kids, such as the 16 year old girl who was unable to speak
    and see just 48 hours after being vaccinated
18. Debilitating side effects can happen at any time because vaccine
    victims are very similar to COVID long haulers (Dr. Bruce Patterson
    has discovered this <http://www.covidlonghaulers.com/>) and we all
    know that long haul can start at any time (even when the disease is
    asymptomatic) and could be incurable.
19. Because the vaccine is not perfectly safe, the government is
    required by law to warn people of the death and disability risks
    caused by the vaccine and to obtain informed consent. Always be sure
    to ask for the 50 most serious side effects and how often they
    happen. And find out whether they will compensate you if you are
    disabled for life from the vaccine. This is important because the
    blood clots can form anywhere with this very unsafe vaccine.

Note: this is a large document and different sections were written at
different times so you may find that the numbers may be inconsistent. If
you spot an error, please use the comments to point it out.

    If you enjoyed reading this article, please follow me on Twitter at
    @stkirsch <https://twitter.com/stkirsch> so I can keep you apprised
    of how this story progresses. The more followers I have, the less
    likely they will ignore my requests for informed consent and data
    transparency. Also, please share with your friends on social media.

    New research shows why we should not vaccinate kids

Will we listen to the SCIENCE? Or will will follow the Biden, CDC, NIH
narrative blindly? Time to decide.

In other words, *science says that kids are essentially already
vaccinated*. So giving them a dangerous vaccine has virtually no benefit
but significant downsides (like death).

But the academics are too vested in the false narrative to let one study
take them down. I predict they will ignore the science and try to
discredit it. That’s exactly what they’ve done with fluvoxamine and
ivermectin even though all those studies were published in peer reviewed
journals too. They are good at suppressing science and convincing the
masses that the vaccine is needed and safe, regardless of the actual
facts. They believe the Phase 3 studies and consider real world events
as anecdotal.

Here’s the third item I need you to see. This is the biodistribution
graph created from the Pfizer data obtained via Byram Bridle FOIA
to help you visualize where the vaccine is going in your child’s body.
This shows you the the sites where it cranks out the toxic spike
protein; the higher the line, the greater the production of spike
protein that can cause damage to blood vessels and cause inflammation.

NOTE: There are areas of the body that are not included here like the
injection site (165), liver (24), spleen (23), and adrenals (18). These
were not included so you can see more detail. The graph ends at 48 hours
because that is the extent of the data provided in the original Pfizer
study. The mRNA is basically mostly gone after 48 hours which is why it
ends there. I did not commission this slide; it was created by PANDA

Biodistribution of lipid nanoparticles which carry the mRNA show that
the ovaries get the highest concentration. This turns the ovaries into a
very large manufacturing plant to turn out toxic spike protein.
Accumulation in the bone marrow is likely not good either. What are the
long term implications of that?

Here’s what this means. This vaccine seeks out your daughter’s ovaries
and instructs the cells in the ovaries to turn out a very toxic spike
protein. It also goes to your child’s brain, heart, and other critical
organs. This can cause deafness, blindness, inability to speak,
myocarditis, pericarditis, and more at unacceptable rates. It may
permanently damage your child’s reproductive system. We just don’t know.
Would you like to volunteer your child for a clinical trial so we can
find out? Well if so, and if your child concurs, then get vaccinated and
be part of the largest experiment ever done on the human reproductive

OK, let’s recap what we’ve learned so far, because there is a lot more
to talk about. I am just getting started.

 1. The destruction we are doing to our kid’s hearts, brains and
    especially their ovaries. We are harming perfectly healthy young
    adults. For example, the miscarriage rates are alarming post
    vaccination: 82% spontaneous abortion rate before 20 weeks

 2. Approximately *2% of people report severe / still annoying side
    effects* based on the random sampling I’ve done. This number is
    extremely high but it totally explains why the “Vaccine Side
    Effects” groups in Facebook had over 200,000 members before Facebook
    deleted them. There are much better options where no healthy person
    has any added risk of death or disability (since they will not need
    to be treated at all).
 3. The government has been suppressing the fact that repurposed drugs
    work with virtually 100% success when given early with virtually
    zero side effects. So the better, safer alternative is considered
    “unproven” when Cliff Lane (head of the NIH COVID Guidelines who
    reports to Tony Fauci) knows without a doubt that it works.

Sound like a conspiracy theory? I don’t blame you. I don’t think there
is a conspiracy (except for a select few such as those called out in
Chris Martenson’s excellent video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNxoVFZwMYw> on the coverup happening
after the outbreak). I have no issues with anyone at Moderna or Pfizer
or any government agency (*again with the exception of Tony Fauci and
Cliff Lane* and a handful of others who were in on it and aren’t
talking). I think everyone else are all ethical people who started with
the best intentions, shit happened, and now people don’t want to see the
reality because of the cognitive dissonance it would create. So the CDC
and FDA ignore all the *subjective *safety signals (like alarming
anecdotal reports from doctors) and rely on what I believe (based on
info from CDC insiders) is a flawed serious event warning system
(combined with pressure not to report that there is anything wrong).
Hence everyone is acting like there is nothing wrong because their
traditional alarm bells aren’t triggering. *A 25X higher event rate* for
myocarditis after vaccination… oh, completely normal. They justify that
because they think that the vaccine is so helpful (a 10X reduction in
cases) that even if there is death caused by the vaccine, society is
better off net net. So they support the false narrative that the vaccine
is safe. And none of them realize that early treatment of COVID is way
better and safer since Fauci and Lane suppress the better option.

For example, why is Monica Gandhi calling for vaccinating kids including
her own <https://twitter.com/MonicaGandhi9/status/1401446515550277638>?
Is she evil? Of course not! I asked her for the risk benefit calculation
in this tweet <https://twitter.com/stkirsch/status/1401619770932301825>.
Will she reply? I doubt it. Most of the doctors who swallow the false
narrative find it difficult to deal with the facts.

Also, let me point out that in this document I link to a number of
sources, some of whom tout conspiracy theories like this is being done
deliberately for nefarious purposes. I absolutely don’t believe that. If
I include a reference to someone else’s material I do not endorse any
conspiracy theories that are espoused by them. I will make one exception
for Chris Martenson. All of his YouTube material I have watched of his
work is all top notch
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2-QVBQi48RRQTD4Jhxu8w>, well done,
and well supported. Watch this video of Dr. Chris Martenson taking down
Fauci <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yn1MDIBO7M>‘s original Senate
testimony. It is priceless. Chris mentions my work at 47:30. It’s hard
to argue with his conspiracy theories.

Still, it’s a bit hard to explain why they aren’t at least warning the
public that the vaccine is the deadliest vaccine ever and has an
extremely high incidence of death and long-term disability. There is
absolutely no excuse for hiding that. Health authorities have a
responsibility to report that and they aren’t telling the real numbers
to anyone.

To figure out the truth, all you have to do is realize one important
thing: *there isn’t any transparency here on the numbers.* I called my
local pharmacy to see if the pharmacist knew the death and disability
rates. Nope. No clue. We are so brainwashed into believing the narrative
that the vaccine is safe that nobody even asks the question: “So,
exactly how many people have been killed or severely disabled from the
vaccine?” There’s a reason for that lack of transparency: the CDC has no
clue what the numbers really are (the VAERS numbers are a lower bound
and could be off by as much as 100x). Nobody will tell me either (and
believe me I’m persistent). That alone should be frightening.

Not only won’t they tell us the numbers, but they aren’t answering any
questions either: nobody is willing to debate me on the issues raised in
this article in a public forum. Nobody from the government will. None of
the docs on Clubhouse who promote the false narrative will either. If
they did, they will be exposed as promoting false info and would lose
their followers. Here’s proof they are chicken: my Twitter post
challenging them all to a debate in front of all their followers.

Twitter challenge issued Jun 6.
<https://twitter.com/stkirsch/status/1401589692512886788> I don’t think
anyone is going to accept my offer to debate because they know they will
lose. Badly. And I’m not even a doctor. As of 6/8/21, nobody has dared
to challenge me when the playing field is level.

If you check, everything in this document is completely on the level and
everything is independently verifiable from trustworthy sources.
Government agencies are refusing to even comment on this document (and
TrialSiteNews has tried reaching out for comments). Consider this: do
you how many people have been killed and disabled from this vaccine so
far? Of course you don’t. They don’t have accurate numbers themselves.

Vaccines are never designed to kill or disable people. The background
death rate for vaccination in the US as reported in VAERS <500 people
per year and that’s primarily because people coincidentally die around
the time of the vaccination (a smaller amount will have some sort of
adverse reaction to the vaccine). The death toll for the current COVID
vaccines in the US alone is off the charts compared with all other
vaccines in any other year.

There are now over 5,000 reported deaths so far, and that’s likely a
very conservative estimate because the data is under reported
historically and even more so during the pandemic (based on all the
anecdotes I’m aware of because nobody wants to challenge the narrative
that the vaccine is anything but safe). Note that a comparable % of
Americans have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccine as compared with
prior years. This vaccine is more than 100X more deadly than the flu
vaccine… possibly even 1,000 times more deadly as I will explain in
detail below.

Virtually all of these deaths are “excess deaths” due to the vaccine.
The CDC cannot explain any of these excess deaths. If it wasn’t the
vaccine, what caused it? Have you seen the analysis of any of these
cases? They cannot explain how dozens of our children have heart
problems now. They will not disclose how many dozens of kids are
affected. 10 dozen? 100 dozen? They will not tell us the truth. The one
thing all those 5,000 deaths had in common was the vaccine.

In Israel, the adverse event tracking is much more accurate than the US.
They found rate of myocarditis in vaccinated young adults is*up to 25X
the normal background* rate for that age range
That’s not my calculation. That’s right from the article (“The rate
reported among young men in Israel was 25 times higher”). “Israeli
researchers reported this week that between one in 3,000 and one in
6,000 men between the ages of 16 and 24 had developed myocarditis, or
heart muscle inflammation, after receiving *both doses* of the Pfizer
COVID-19 vaccine there.” That’s 4X the rate for even the smallpox
vaccine (which is 1 in 12,000)

However, doctors in the US insist this is normal and everyone should be
vaccinated including kids. WTF?!?!

Pfizer has said that it is aware of the Israeli findings, but doesn’t
think a causal link has been established. The company said the rate of
myocarditis after vaccination was no higher than the rate normally seen
in the general population
Seriously?!?! How can they say that with a straight face to the press?
This is a classic example of gaslighting.

Note that the health tracking in the US is terrible as you can see from
this report from Connecticut showing a one in 20,000 rate of myocarditis
in 16-34 year olds; we miss reporting most of the cases. Darn.

So now after killing more than 4,500 Americans, the government wants to
“protect” your children knowing full well that some of them will die
from a vaccine that is*totally unnecessary and dangerous*. It is
preposterous and no parent should put up with it.

This vaccine is much more dangerous than any vaccine in our history.
There are *more reactions to this vaccine than all 70 vaccines in the
last 30 years combined*. This is obvious from OpenVAERS since the total
reports from this vaccine and # of deaths are rapidly approaching >50%
of all reported cases. Note that VAERS is a lagging indicator because
there is a substantial backlog of VAERS reports. As of 28 May, there
were 262,566 reported adverse reactions regarding Covid-19 vaccinations.
However, there were another 168,564 reports that have been submitted to
VAERS but not added to the database yet.

The vaccine teaches cells all over your body (every organ especially
women’s ovaries) to make a toxic spike protein.

Over 4,500 people have been killed by this “safe” vaccine. If a foreign
nation killed well over 4,500 Americans, would we sit idly by and cheer
them on? The government might argue that the death toll is less than the
600,000 Americans who have died from the virus. But that’s a false
argument because our government has been deliberately suppressing the
alternatives (despite proof of efficacy in large randomized Phase 3
trials) and keeping them from view.

It is almost beside the point to calculate the exact number of deaths.
In the past, the death threshold was that if 1 in 1 million Americans
were killed by the vaccine, we stop it. So we stop at 168 excess deaths.
There are 4,500 excess deaths right now and probably more like 25,000.
So we are at 25X to 125X over the stopping threshold and we want to
accelerate our rate of vaccination and give it to our kids. Why isn’t
the press asking why we are doing this when there are better
alternatives that result in much lower loss of life?

We don’t know how many people have died. 4,500 is a lower bound. And
many more will be temporarily or permanently disabled
Nobody is talking.

Based on all the anecdotal reports from physicians I’ve received so far,
I estimate the severe life altering side-effects rate to be around 2%
and the death rate could be as high as .02% (1 in 5,000 patients which
means most docs will never see a death so it will look safe). *These are
estimates and will be refined as I get more data.* For example in one
practice of 600 vaccinated patients, 6 have severe adverse events (SAEs)
and one of those is near death. I can’t identify the physician because
he is afraid of retribution. For 900 patients of Dr. Hoffe, 3 are
permanently disabled and 1 died
Dr. Hoffe wasn’t afraid to speak out but telling the truth resulted in
him losing his hospital privileges and having his reports torn up. Ask
yourself, why would any doctor jeopardize their livelihood? He isn’t an
anti-VAXer; he was pro-vaccination. He vaccinated 900 patients. He felt
compelled to write up his serious concerns
basically “I have been quite alarmed at the high rate of serious
side-effects from this novel treatment.” If the vaccine is as safe as
they claim, you never see notes like that. Nobody has the time or
incentive. Why would anyone draft such a detailed note to get fired?


 6. It must be emphasised, that these people *were not sick people*,
    being treated for some
    devastating disease. These were *previously healthy people, who were
    offered an
    experimental therapy, with unknown long-term side-effects, to
    protect them against an
    illness that has the same mortality rate as the flu. Sadly, their
    lives have now been
 7. It is normally considered a fundamental principal of medical ethics,
    to discontinue a
    clinical trial if significant harm is demonstrated from the
    treatment under investigation.
 8. So my last question is this; *Is it medically ethical to continue
    this vaccine rollout, in
    view of the severity of these life altering side-effects, after just
    the first shot? In
    Lytton, BC, we have an incidence of 1 in 225 of severe life altering
    side-effects, from this
    experimental gene modification therapy*

This is why doctors will not speak out. Fear of retribution. There is no
benefit to speaking up.

This is what happens if you speak the truth: they take away your
hospital privileges and delete your reports. This sends a clear message
to doctors: support the narrative or else.

A superior alternative to vaccination is simply to treat a COVID
infection with a proven early treatment protocol and to modernize our
hospital protocols (which we are afraid to change to adopt drugs like
cyproheptadine). This alternative results in significantly lower
disability and death compared to the vaccines. Newer vaccines available
soon appear to be much safer than the current vaccines.

    Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to raise legitimate concerns about the
false narrative that the current vaccines are safe and should be used on

I am open to corrections, especially if you feel you have been unfairly
abused by this article. Just reply in the comments section below for
everyone to see.

There are certainly a lot of people who buy into the narrative. And it’s
a reasonable position since the Phase 3 study was done by the book, etc.
One of my friends was an investigator on the Pfizer trial and she said
there was nothing amiss and everything they saw looked clean. I have no
reason to believe that there was any foul play here.

I have nothing bad to say about any of the vaccine makers. Sure, they
cut some corners, but that was reasonable: you make some calculated bets
when time is short. If I were in charge, I might have made the same
decisions. So my issues are not at all with any of the companies
themselves. I really think they’ve all done a magnificent job under
extremely difficult circumstances.

But what is troubling to me is finding lots of evidence that doesn’t
match the narrative and that raise legitimate concerns about the safety
of the vaccine. The purpose of this document is to bring these issues to
light so they can be addressed one by one and be resolved.

Therefore, I believe that this document is a valuable addition to the
scientific discourse.

There were a lot of people who chose to sever all ties with me after I
published this article; nearly all of them would be considered “top
tier” academics. Challenging the accepted narrative is seen as evil.
They said I was risking lives and they didn’t want their name associated
with me.

So be it. I think it is extremely dangerous for the scientific community
to have the attitude that if anyone challenges the narrative that they
must be wrong and the correct course of action is to sever all ties and
refuse to engage in debate. If I’m wrong, I’ll be discredited. If I’m
right, I’ll be the one saving lives and their views were the ones
endangering lives. I wouldn’t be spending my time writing this if I
wasn’t convinced I was right. There are too many things nobody can
explain if you buy the hypothesis that the vaccines are safe.

I asked these academics “look if I’m wrong, then how do you explain
this….?” None of them would engage. Some of them said, “I heard you are
against the vaccine. Never talk to me again.” I’m serious. You can’t
make this stuff up.

These guys are really smart, but I couldn’t disagree more with their

I was treated as if I’m an evil person. I’m not evil at all. My sole
motivation is to save lives by seeking resolution to key questions.
Ostracizing dissenters is bad science in my opinion.

Their belief system is based on phase 3 trial results. If reality
diverges from the Phase 3 study, the academic will trust the trial and
ignore the reality as “anecdotal.” This is why when people go to their
doctors complaining of issues, they are directed to do genetic testing
because the vaccine is eliminated as a possible cause since it is safe
according to the false narrative.

That’s not science at all. Science is about intellectual curiosity and
fitting hypothesis to the data. Did they redefine science to exclude
anything but data in a large Double Blind Controlled Trrial (DB-RCT)???
Maybe they did that when I wasn’t looking.

In my opinion, we have to judge success based on real world results on
100M people and not bury our heads in the sand and pretend the only
evidence we have is DB-RCT and that real-world data is simply so messy
to interpret that it must be discarded as unreliable. Sure, It is messy
to interpret but you do not need a DB-RCT when you have a 25X normal
event rate that cannot be explained away. They claim you do. The mindset
is ingrained. It’s weird. That baby whose brain was fried by the
vaccine? Must be genetic defect! As a scientist, how can you possibly
exclude the vaccine as the cause? If this has never been observed before
in nature, why would you rush to a natural origin theory vs. the
external intervention of a toxic material causing a miscarriage rate of
82%. Any engineer looking at this problem and given two options, would
always conclude it was the vaccine.

I’ve listened to both sides and I’m convinced that there is an air-tight
case to be made here for the counter-narrative because the things I’ve
seen with my own eyes are not consistent with the narrative. Could I be
wrong? Sure. Could they be wrong? Absolutely. But my narrative fits the
facts and their narrative doesn’t. So there you go.

I am certainly not alone in challenging the narrative. See Wastila
Citizen Petition
and Wodarg Citizen Petition
and Childrens Health Citizen Petition
as examples.

The goal here is to raise the issues and seek the truth. I think we
should embrace open discussion and resolve the inconsistencies

Since you already know the narrative, this document will focus on
presenting the case for the counter-narrative.

My confidence level in the counter-narrative is now 100%. There are no
rational explanations for what I’ve observed. Nobody can explain them.
Congress staff won’t reply to me. The CDC believes there are 0 deaths
caused by the vaccine. That is so divorced from reality that it isn’t
funny. You’ve got over a 25X higher death rate from this vaccine vs.
history, you have no clue what caused all the deaths (“the vaccine …
duh”), and now we feel so good we want to kill our kids? Are you kidding
me? Lookup the complications from having myocarditis
(hint: heart failure, death). What kind of parent would sign up their
child for that especially given the Science article that shows no
benefit. So basically, your kid gets to play Russian Roulette with the
vaccine and there is no upside here, only downside.

I think the entire academic community should be ashamed of themselves
for not speaking out loudly against this vaccine. It shows how inept
they are that a computer entrepreneur can clearly see what is happening
and they cannot. It is embarrassing for the entire medical community.
It’s going to come out that I am on the right side of this and they are
all wrong. The evidence on the table is so compelling. And the longer
academia digs in their heels opposing what I write here, the worse they
are going to look.

It’s also an indictment of the mainstream media. There should be a /New
York Times/ investigative journalist on this. Know how many inbound
queries I’ve gotten (since I know a lot more that I can’t disclose
publicly): zero. However, we did make an outbound request to one of the
most respected publications in the world, and they are looking at this.
So it will be interesting to watch this unfold.

It should tell you something that NOBODY will debate me. NOBODY.

    Safe vs. unsafe

A legit argument was raised by one reader about the safe vs. unsafe
moniker. Safety is relative. So when I say the vaccine is “unsafe” it
means the alternative options have a significantly more attractive
risk/reward profile.

    Questions they refuse to answer

There are really basic questions that the media should be asking public
agencies and Congress. Since they aren’t asking any questions, I thought
it would be helpful to provide some “conversation starters” the next
time the press talks to Biden, Fauci, members of Congress, etc.

 1. Why hasn’t Senator Peters requested the unredacted version of the
    Fauci emails from NIH? This would tell us immediately the true
    source of the virus. No investigation needed. What is Senator Peters
    afraid of? NIH has said he can request the documents and they will
 2. Can you explain the missing 200,000 records in the VAERS system? Why
    are records being removed every week (they aren’t dups)?
 3. Why haven’t Fauci and Lane been fired? Fauci funded the research
    that went wrong and unleashed SARS-CoV-2. We even have the proof of
    the coverup after the fact. Lane has violated the precautionary
    principle and use all available evidence principles. Systematic
    reviews are the top of the Evidenced Based Medicine (EBM) pyramid
    and he doesn’t even mention it in the ivermectin writeup. He’s
    responsible for the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of
    Americans. Shouldn’t there be criminal charges here since it was
    willful and knowingly done?
 4. When are Fauci and Biden going to come clean and tell the world
    ivermectin really works? Cliff Lane knows it. Right now GAVI
    <https://www.gavi.org/> ( the vaccine alliance) is running ads all
    over the world with the false narrative that ivermectin doesn’t
    work. That is not saving lives. WHO knows it works. They are not
    saying anything. This is another massive cover up and disinformation
    campaign. Here’s an opportunity to set the record straight? I
    challenged the world to prove the NIH was right. No takers. If you
    can find an error in the BIRD systematic review, cite it now.
    Otherwise you MUST follow Evidence Based Medicine, which rates
    Systematic Reviews at the top of the evidence pyramid. What are we
    waiting for? We mandate masks without a single Randomized Controlled
    Trial (RCT), yet for ivermectin we are silent? Are you kidding me!?!?
 5. When are they going to finish the toxicology studies in NHPs that
    they skipped over in the first place? You can’t do this stuff in
    rats, and you must use the real vaccine to do the tests. Please
    publish the results of the test and the biodistribution for us all
    to see, rather than hide this as “COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL.” That is not
    in the public interest to have that data hidden. Had we seen this
    earlier, we could have prevented deaths.
 6. What does President Biden say to my friend’s daughter who is so
    distraught about losing her baby (at 25 weeks) due to the vaccine?
    Why were pregnant women told to get vaccinated when we knew it was
    extremely unsafe
    since it has 8X higher risk of spontaneous abortion? The fetus was
    bloody and disfigured. The gynecologist had never seen anything like
    it. Never. But it was not reported to the CDC as vaccine related or
    entered into VAERS despite it being the most likely explanation
    since the toxic S1 subunit homes in on the area surrounding the
    ovaries. It seems all of these deaths are being covered up by being
    written off as “oh, that’s really strange… never seen that before.”
    We are told the vaccine is safe so nobody ever thinks the vaccine
    caused it. No autopsy.
 7. How can the CDC possibly call a vaccine that kills somewhere around
    1 in 10,000 people as “perfectly safe” while the FDA insists that
    ivermectin which kills 1 in 1,000,000,000 as “dangerous and can
    cause serious harm
    Are you kidding me?!?!
 8. How can the FDA make N-acetylcysteine (NAC) now available only by
    prescription yet the vaccine is available without a prescription?
    Can you compare the number of people killed each year by these two?
 9. Why aren’t you disclosing the exact number of people who have been
    killed and disabled from these vaccines? Shouldn’t that be part of
    informed consent?
10. Should a proper “informed consent” document include all of the key
    issues raised in this document? If not, what vaccine-related issues
    mentioned here should be excluded and why? When will the new
    informed consent with the incidence rate of each significant side
    effect be listed? My suggestion would be to include both the
    incidence rate and the severity of the symptom, e.g., stroke,
    myocardial infarction would be very serious.
11. Why has the Biden administration stonewalled all of my attempts to
    talk to them about Fluvoxamine? Why will NOBODY debate the evidence
    for this drug publicly with me? Doesn’t the American public deserve
    an honest discussion of this important and safe alternative to
12. How many other cheap, safe, effective drugs against COVID have been
    on 60 Minutes? Just fluvoxamine as far as I know. Will Francis
    Collins debate me? He’ll lose. I have the truth and the data on my
    side and he has no viable explanation for if the drug doesn’t work
    how we can achieve a 100% effect size even with 8 cross-over
    patients. How will he explain away a p-value of 1e-14 for the
    symptom data? It was an NIH funded researcher who did the trial.
13. Surely, you must know that both fluvoxamine and ivermectin were
    confirmed in large clinical trials whose processes were validated by
    the WHO. The WHO was notified. Lane knows it. The Gates Foundation
    knows it. So why are you not letting people know there are viable
    alternatives to vaccination? Isn’t that sandbagging? And why aren’t
    any of these organizations speaking out against the shameful ads
    being run by GAVI <https://www.gavi.org/> to dissuade people from
    using ivermectin. You know these are wrong, but everyone is silent.
14. If the NIH Guidelines are right on Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine, then
    why has NOBODY come forward to claim the $2M prize if they can
    defend the NIH Guidelines? There hasn’t even been an attempt other
    than one guy from Belarus. Seriously?!!?! Is that the best you can
    do guys?
15. Where is your Phase 3 DB-RCT showing that kids under 20 are better
    off been vaccinated with these vaccines? I must have missed that one.
16. Where is your Phase 3 DB-RCT showing that if you’ve had COVID, you
    are better off getting these vaccines or not? I missed that one too.
    If there was no death or disability risk from the vaccine, I could
    see the argument. But that’s just not reality?
17. Where is your DB-RCT showing that a 12 year old girl that is
    vaccinated today will be able to have kids in 6 years from now?
18. Where is your DB-RCT showing mask wearing makes a difference? The
    only RCT we have on mask wearing against COVID was done in Denmark
    and it showed mask wearing had a statistically insignificant
    difference. By your own rules of evidence, you shouldn’t mandate
    this. By contrast, fluvoxamine has two published RCTs showing 100%
    effect size when given EARLY (lower effect size when you give it
    late as with the Phase 3 study). So Fluvoxamine is effective yet not
    mandated, yet masks are ineffective and mandated. How do you explain
    that? At 50mg BID x 14d, fluvoxamine is extremely safe with a very
    low side effect profile.
19. Why isn’t anyone else asking these obvious questions that any
    thinking person should be asking?
20. Why are physicians who speak out against the narrative being
    punished? What happened to Dr. Hoffe?
21. If it wasn’t the vaccine that has killed over 5,000 people then what
    was it? Why can’t we see the cases that have been analyzed so far?
    How many cases have been analyzed?
22. Everyone knows the S1 subunit is toxic causing inflammation and
    damage to endothelial cells? Surely, this was well known at the FDA
    and CDC. Who brought it up and why were they ignored?
23. Why hasn’t Kristian G. Andersen
    <https://www.scripps.edu/faculty/andersen/> been called to Congress
    to testify about the cover up and talk about all the redactions in
    the Fauci emails? This was the biggest pandemic in our history, and
    we are not calling any witnesses with inside information??? Boy, I
    don’t get that at all. Would be awesome if the press interviewed
    Kristian to tell his story about the coverup since he’s not talking
    to Chris Martenson at all after Chris did his takedown video
24. Why is the CDC taking so long to analyze the myocarditis and
    pericarditis deaths in teens? What is the current theory? How many
    kids have we killed so far? How many more kids must die before we
    stop this campaign? Or are we going to offer them candy and let them
    sign the informed consent?
25. Why will no one from the CDC, FDA, NIH debate me on these issues
    listed in this section? Surely, they cannot be afraid of a Silicon
    Valley tech entrepreneur with just two degrees from MIT… in
    electrical engineering and computer science???
26. The NIH COVID Treatment Guidelines panel meetings are secret. How is
    THAT in the public interest? Shouldn’t those meetings be public and
    allow presentations from experts on the drug in a public forum?
    Should the votes of the panel members be public so that they can be
    held accountable for their errors in judgment? Why is there no
    calculation of the downside of getting a wrong recommendation? For
    example if there is just a 10% chance that people think that
    ivermectin works, why wouldn’t you recommend it since it will save
    more lives if it works? I would like to understand from each panel
    member what they believe the % likelihood that ivermectin is useful
    against COVID. Do these people ever talk to any frontline doctors
    who are using ivermectin now? So if I have 1,000 docs all with close
    to 100% success rate in keeping people out of the hospital, you’d
    call that anecdotal and toss the evidence? Come on guy, people are
    dying. Science is about making a hypothesis based on all the
    evidence, not cherry picking evidence you like. Look science up in
    the dictionary; there is nothing about how you must ignore data from
    frontline doctors who are actually treating real patients and saving

We can start with these for now. I have many more I’d like to ask.

    The smoking gun that I think will bring down Biden and the Democrats
    (if the Republicans are smart)

The smoking gun is the free S1. This means “oh shit, the vaccine is
defective. That was not supposed to happen.”

Fortunately, with early treatment using drugs proven in Phase 3 trials,
we have a safer, more effective option than a defective vaccine.

I’m a Democrat. But I’m a human being first. And this isn’t even a close
call. The sooner Biden backs off and halts the vaccine, the better for
his future. If he moves forward, he and the Democrats will be swept from
power. I do not want that to happen.

The arguments regarding quality-adjusted life years calculations (QALY)
as the basis for justifying risk/benefit assessments for these vaccines
are incontrovertible. The government has not followed its own
established processes and policies for making these determinations.
Anyone who regularly attends CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) meetings knows what I speak of regarding QALY.

*They are violating the law*. The bioethics and federal law is clear cut
and is laid out in Malone’s article on TSN

 1. These are experimental vaccines. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
    grants a waiver for informed consent, but it doesn’t override key
    requirements related to human subject research.
 2. Therefore, the government must comply with federal statutes that
    cover ethical human subject research.
 3. There are three key requirements that must be met: 1. full and
    complete disclosure of risks, 2. test subjects have to comprehend
    the risks 3. and there is willing consent to participate.

If anyone refuses to consent, and you try to coerce them (e.g., a
punishment for non-compliance like “i’ll fire you”), then you are in
violation of federal law.

Furthermore, adolescents cannot provide informed consent; only their
parent or legal guardian.

There are three ways around this:

 1. Claim that the vaccine is “perfectly safe” (which would not be true,
    but doing so waives the consent requirement)
 2. Change the law (boy that would look really bad and the Republicans
    won’t allow it)
 3. Rush it to be approved (boy that would compound the mistake and tank
    the Democrats)

They are pursuing #3. That just compounds the error and will discredit
the FDA and CDC for decades to come.

The free spike protein (the S1 subunit) in the blood all over the body
is the smoking gun.

This is not right. Free spike is dangerous. Everyone knew that. It
wasn’t supposed to happen. They created anchoring so you would not get
free spike. This should have been detected, but nobody did the
toxicology. *The FDA didn’t force the drug companies to do the required
toxicology studies. *They were too hurried and believed the anchoring
would work.

We know there is free spike several different ways:

 1. It breaches the blood brain barrier. This is why people are sleepy
    for days after vaccination… their brains are fucked up.
 2. There are so many neurological adverse events reported
 3. PET scans, which determine how cancer responds to treatment, can’t
    used used on vaccinated patient for a couple of weeks because the
    lymph nodes all over the body are lighting up from the spike.
 4. The Harvard researchers measured in vaccinated patients

They*didn’t take the time to get the dose right*. Dose is way out of the
park. Had no time to do dose ranging.

If President Biden and the Democrats continue to ignore this article, it
will sink them. Please, do the right thing immediately and stop this
experiment now. Go back and fix the product. It is defective.

    Vaccine mandates are wrong

Senator Ron Johnson gets it exactly right: vaccine mandates are wrong

Will any Democrats come join him?

Informed consent is all about your ability to say no. If there is a
mandate, then informed consent (as required by law) is superfluous. I
don’t see how a mandate can be legal since it violates federal law on
experimentation on human subjects. If the Democrats want to allow
experiments on human subjects without informed consent, they will need
to change the law. And if they do that, pretty much all of us will
change parties.

    What are people saying?

At this point, you are probably wondering, “What are people saying about
this document?”

Well privately, after most of my academic friends severed all ties, it’s
all been positive. A lot of people are afraid to speak out in favor of
what I wrote because of fear of retribution because it goes against the
narrative and they could be fired. Boy, America sure has changed a lot
since I was a kid. Today, people stand in line for a vaccine that has a
pretty good chance of killing them, and if I ask, “do you know if this
vaccine is safe?” they shout me down as “anti-vax.” Gotta love the
tolerance for original thinking. Try this yourself. It’s mind blowing.

Congress staffers have said “we’ll get back to you.”

Cliff Lane: no answer. I even reached out for corrections. Nothing.

Biden administration: Crickets.

CDC: I’ve always been rebuffed in any of my attempts to contact
Rochelle, so I gave up.

FDA: I like Janet Woodcock. I’ve made my points. She’s listened. She
understands them. She’s not allowed to say much in response at this
time. She’s smart. I have a lot of respect for her.

In general, I like the people who engage me with legitimate debate.
These are the good people.

People like Cliff Lane, Jeremy Farrar
Kristian Andersen who stop communicating when they know they’ve been
caught with their hand in the cookie jar, those are the people I dislike.

I am a pretty simple guy in that respect.

    Summary of key points covered in this document

 1. Vaccines are never supposed to kill people. The influenza vaccine
    doesn’t kill anyone. Virtually zero (there are also very rare events
    where people do die, but they are < 1 in a million). People are much
    more likely to die just coincidentally with the vaccination not from
    the vaccination. For example, less than 1 person in the age group
    30-39 dies per year according to VAERS.
 2. The COVID vaccines are unique in that healthy people who take the
    vaccine can end up dead or disabled at a rate that may be far
    greater than we have been led to believe. I will debate anyone on
    this publicly and they will lose.
 3. This vaccine is much more dangerous than any vaccine in our history.
    There are *more reactions to this vaccine than all 70 vaccines in
    the last 30 years combined*.
 4. We are essentially creating a nation of vaccine long-haulers. Some
    will be asymptomatic, some will have mild symptoms, some will have
    disabling symptoms, and some will die. The symptoms are all over the
 5. At a minimum, if the FDA doesn’t halt vaccinations, they should
    require a BLACK BOX warning notifying people that the vaccine can
    kill you or cause permanent disability and the rates of both are
    unknown at this time. At least that way, people are going into this
    with their eyes wide open.
 6. The side effects of the vaccine can be both subtle and incredibly
    diverse because the vaccine can affect any part of your body,
    including your brain. One physician said, “What’s so typical about
    the responses is the atypical nature of all the presentations.” For
    example, my fingers have now started to shake uncontrollably 2
    months after my second dose. This sort of neurological damage is
    impossible to show cause and effect. I never would have ascribed it
    to the vaccine because I was told the vaccine was safe. But if they
    had told me that the vaccine causes my body to make a toxin
    everywhere, including my brain, any new neurological symptom within
    3 months after any shot is highly suspect. I cannot report it in
    V-SAFE since you can’t make a proactive report. I will report in
    VAERS. Once you realize most people would never think to associate
    it with the vaccine because it happened 2 months later and the
    vaccine is supposed to be safe AND because most people don’t know
    about VAERS AND because most people wouldn’t bother to report it in
    VAERS since they would deem it too speculative, all this data is
    lost. V-SAFE *never warned me that the symptoms can be subtle,
    diverse, and to report EVERYTHING that is NEW and ABNORMAL* in
    VAERS. This is why the FDA and CDC isn’t seeing a safety signal. Had
    I not written (or read) this article, I would have ascribed it to
    old age/bad luck. I now know better.
 7. We don’t know how many people this vaccine has killed or disabled.
    There is no transparency of these numbers and no analysis of the
    people who have died or been disabled. Of course we know these
    vaccines cause massive mini blood clots, so nothing is surprising.
 8. If you have anything happen to you within 3 months of either dose
    that is *new and affecting your daily life*, please report it in
    VAERS <https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html>.
 9. We are collecting information from doctors. One doctor, with 600
    vaccinated patients, reported that 6 of them had serious adverse
    events (requiring a hospital visit or hospitalization); 1 of those
    patients may die soon. This is very troubling. We don’t know if this
    is typical or not.
10. Doctors are reporting adverse events in recently vaccinated patients
    that are off the charts. The range of conditions is unprecedented
    and doctors are baffled as to the cause and proper treatments. One
    16 year old couldn’t speak or see just 48 hours after getting the
    shot. We don’t know how common this is, but even hearing a single
    event like this is extremely troubling. The press didn’t report it;
    I saw it in an email. So there must be dozens or hundreds of cases
    just like these that we are “unaware” of because it isn’t considered
    a vaccine-related event.
11. The CDC admits that dozens of teenagers have been diagnosed with
    heart issues shortly after receiving the shot
    Fear not! They are investigating, but they will not stop the
    vaccination program while they investigate. It’s been 2 weeks and no
12. Normally, vaccination injects or generates a harmless antigen in
    your shoulder to generate immunity. It stays in your shoulder. These
    vaccines are different. The mRNA vaccines deliver instructions to
    cells all over your body to make a pathogenic spike protein over the
    next 48 hours: inside your brain, heart, ovaries, etc. The spike
    proteins damage your blood vessel walls and cause clotting. The
    spikes can break free of the cell membrane and freely circulate
    causing even more damage. The spike proteins can last around 30
    days. The damage that has been done in the 30 days can last a lifetime.
13. This is the reason people have a wide range of side effects:
    inability to see, inability to speak, heart attacks, myocarditis,
    pericarditis, bell’s palsy (half of your face doesn’t move),
    numbness in various body part, re-activation of shingles, etc. Some
    events are such as the teenager who killed himself after getting the
    shot are very hard to ascribe.
14. A large fraction of the spike protein ends up in the ovaries (see
    nice line graph later in this article… it will shock you). We don’t
    know how the reproductive system of women will be impacted; we won’t
    know that for another 4 months. Nobody needs the jab that bad. Why
    not wait and see what happens?
15. Social media companies do not want anyone to discover the problems
    until it is too late. Facebook for example has removed multiple
    “Vaccine side effects” groups comprising hundreds of thousands of
    users. If there are really no side effects, then what are these
    groups talking about? The weather? We don’t know because Facebook
    doesn’t want us to know. Don’t you love the transparency?
16. Doctors are being told not to speak out or face the consequences.
    They are told not to associate deaths with the vaccine. Why is this
    needed if the vaccine is as safe as they led us to believe?
17. We are not told about the alternatives including safer vaccines or
    refusing vaccination and if infected, treating with an early
    treatment protocol.
18. Early treatment protocols with repurposed drugs are extremely safe
    and effective. If started within 48 hours of first symptoms, the
    hospitalization, fatality, and long-haul COVID rates are extremely
    low. In short, early treatment turns COVID into a mild cold.
19. The NIH is deliberately sandbagging the approval of drugs used for
    early treatment
    and that sandbagging continues to the present. They know the drugs
    work, but they don’t want anyone to know. The guy leading the
    vaccine effort (Fauci) is the same guy suppressing the approval of
    alternatives because Cliff Lane, head of the Guidelines Committee
    reports to Fauci.
20. If the government really wants to reduce vaccine hesitancy, they
    should make the rate of death and disability public rather than
    hiding these numbers. They are hiding this information from everyone
    including doctors on the weekly CDC calls. I asked one of them
    recently, “How many people has the vaccine killed so far?” He said
    “about 100.” There is no way just 100 people have died from this
    vaccine, I guarantee it. But it just shows you how they are hiding
    the true numbers.
21. Tony Fauci and Cliff Lane should be removed from office. Their
    failure to deploy the Precautionary Principle of medicine
    <https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1435> and use all the
    available evidence
    has led to the needless loss of life of millions of people.
22. The mainstream media and social networks have blindly followed the
    “authorities” and have contributed to the problem by enabling their
    false narratives and shutting out the voices of those who have
    legitimate challenges to these authorities.
23. If you can prove the NIH got it right on ivermectin and fluvoxamine
    (they rated them NEUTRAL), there is a $2M reward waiting for you
    Nobody has been able to do that because it is impossible. It is like
    proving that a baseball team with a 30-0 win loss record is a losing
    team. This is outrageous that Congress is so asleep at the wheel
    that they have not taken immediate action to direct the NIH to fix
    the Guidelines to minimize loss of life.
24. *Once you get vaccinated, you can never be unvaccinated.* The damage
    may not be undoable and may only manifest itself years or decades
    later. It’s a bit like starting a small fire inside all of your key
    organs and letting it burn for 30 days.
25. *If I knew what I know now, I would not have chosen vaccination with
    the current vaccines for myself or my family.* I would have waited
    for one of the newer vaccines which are not expected to suffer from
    these safety issues (but let’s see what happens). If I was at risk
    for COVID, I would prophylax with ivermectin. If I got COVID in the
    meantime, I would treat immediately with a 4 drug combo of
    fluvoxamine (50mg BIDx14d), ivermectin (12mg x 7d), simvastatin
    (….), and maraviroc (…) . This is what Dr. Bruce Patterson
    recommends to his patients and was developed from what has worked to
    cure long-haul COVID cases. If started within 48 hours of first
    symptoms, this protocol should be extremely effective because each
    drug targets a different mechanism of harm.
26. If I already had COVID, I’d wait for the newer vaccines which confer
    broader immunity. Since I already have natural immunity in the
    meantime, there is no rush to vaccinate with a potentially unsafe
27. If you MUST get vaccinated now for some reason, take 50mg once a day
    of fluvoxamine starting 3 days before and continuing for 2 weeks.
    This will reduce inflammation and damage just like it does for COVID
28. These vaccines were rushed to market and they made a few bad design
    decisions. There is a way to re-formulate the current vaccines to
    significantly reduce the risk. If Pfizer or Moderna want to talk,
    you know where to find me. If the FDA expedites the fix, it could be
    fixed in as little as 60 days. I know of no reason they would not
    want to at least hear me out.
29. Don’t you find it a bit odd that the CDC is telling kids to get
    vaccinated without showing proof that they are better off with the
    defective vaccine vs. taking their chances with the virus? I
    commissioned some experts to find out which was better and they
    threw up their hands because there is no data available to make the
    calculation because all the vaccine data is so bad (VAERS
    reporting). Their best guess is it was a wash. If you factor in an
    early treatment protocol if you get sick, then it isn’t a close
    call: just say no and if you get infected and then treat it early.
    And I challenge the CDC to show the actual numbers to prove I’m
    wrong (I’m happy to be wrong by the way… it does happen on occasion).
30. Finally, not everyone will agree with me. I wouldn’t have gone
    through the trouble to write all this if I didn’t believe it was all
    true. I could be wrong. The FDA isn’t seeing a safety signal. But
    the FDA isn’t known for going out and talking to people in the real
    world and collecting data that way. They rely on official sources
    that can be grossly under-reporting the side effects in order not to
    scare anyone from taking the vaccine. I’m not making this up; there
    are lots of doctors that would vouch for what I’m saying. Check out
    Robert Malone’s article, for example
    where he refers to this censorship of evidence as “alarming.” Malone
    is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine! So I’m not worried that the FDA
    sees different data than I do. I’m in good company with Malone.
31. Right now, the mechanisms of action point to putting your body at
    much greater risk than a natural COVID infection would cause. The
    natural COVID infection travels slowly through your body; the
    vaccine takes about 15 minutes to set fire to every part of your
    body at the same time (and the biggest fire is in your ovaries).
    This is why, when you do have a side effect from the vaccine, it can
    happen anywhere. You never see that with a natural infection. You
    get immunity either way. Some think natural immunity is broader and
    more durable, others disagree. But I think we are splitting hairs at
    this point.
32. Lastly, let me address the elephant in the room. Some people have
    told me not to write this article. They believe that the upside of
    herd immunity and returning to normal outweighs the damage that is
    inflicted by the vaccine (which they believe is 100 deaths and no
    disabilities). I have several reasons for not agreeing: 1) the
    evidence on the table is all consistent with the hypothesis of a
    very destructive vaccine that has devastated a LOT of people, 2)
    they can fix the product quickly if they prioritize it, 3) if they
    kick Fauci and Lane out and replace them with reasonable people (in
    the mold of Michael J Ryan), we can get the drugs we need put on the
    NIH recommended list so if anyone does get COVID, it will be short
    lived and mild, and 4) this vaccine has the potential to wreak havoc
    on the reproductive system of our kids; if they can’t even tell us
    how many people have died and been disabled from the vaccine so far,
    I have little faith in their ability to project 9 months or more in
    the future. We know the toxic S1 subunit accumulates in the ovaries
    (see chart below; search for “Still Unconvinced”). Prove to me this
    isn’t a problem because it looks like it could well be a major train
    wreck to me. There is simply no way that after dozens of healthy
    kids have reported myocarditis and pericarditis
    (still unexplained by the CDC) that this vaccine could be anywhere
    close to safe. Nothing happens on a flu shot. This is off the charts
    and the dozens of kids affected is just the tip of the iceberg and
    this is just one of hundreds of symptoms caused by the vaccine. What
    the CDC observed in those kids is perfectly consistent with the
    narrative I outline here. In short, my explanation of what is
    happening here, and my assertion that the vaccine is causing harm to
    healthy people, matches reality. Their narrative (“it is perfectly
    safe”) does not. So, sorry, I’m not buying it. And I’m hardly alone
    in this belief:

French agency is thinking clearly. Not everyone was fooled.

If you believe everything I wrote above (or a trusted friend told you
this is on the level), you can stop reading here.


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