FYI: Let op je ketchup .... :)

Henk Vreekamp vreekamp at KNOWARE.NL
Thu Sep 8 00:23:35 CEST 2005

REPLY TO: D66 at

Zulke berichten passen in een bepaald kader, Henk. Gelijktijdig komen er
berichten van Russische journalisten dat de USA een deel van de vloot die
wat moet doen bij New Orleans zou doorstomen naar Venezuela. Om Chavez een
lesje te leren. Zelfs Nederland wordt er bij betrokken, omdat er momenteel
een Amerikaanse oorlogsbodem ligt te "passagieren" in de haven van Curacao.

Op z'n minst een zenuwoorlog...


At 07:24 7-9-05 +0200, you wrote:
>REPLY TO: D66 at
>Venezuela to take over Heinz factory
>CARACAS, Venezuela, Sept. 6 (UPI) -- Venezuela has ordered troops to seize
>a Heinz Ketchup factory in the eastern part of the South American country,
>El Universal reported Tuesday.
>The factory, which has been closed since 1997, said Heinz officials, will
>be expropriated by the state as part of a plan envisioned by leftist
>President Hugo Chavez.
>Heinz is headquartered in Pittsburgh.
>Chavez has said that the government can take over factories and other
>businesses that have closed their doors, and the state will compensate the
>private holders for the facility.
>The Venezuela leader has come under fire from leaders in the Bush
>administration, who accuse Chavez of trying to transform Venezuelan into a
>Cuba-style state.
>Chavez is a self-proclaimed admirer of socialism, though professes to want
>to introduce to Venezuela, a "21st century version" of socialism and
>accuses Washington of trying to undermine his efforts to do so.
>Copyright 2005 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
>Wat hebben die socialisten (hier de SP) toch met tomaten?
>Henk Elegeert
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