[D66] points68 (addendum 2)

René Oudeweg roudeweg at gmail.com
Sat May 6 18:27:18 CEST 2023

MMM... het is makkelijker in python? :


I'm sorry, I misunderstood your question earlier. It is possible to use 
a period as the name of a variable in Python, but it is not recommended 
because it can lead to confusion and errors in your code.

However, if you really want to use a period as the name of a variable, 
you can do so by enclosing the variable name in quotes or backticks. 
Here is an example:


|globals()['.'] = 'This is a period' print('.') # Output: "This is a 
period" |

In this example, the |globals()| function returns a dictionary of all 
global variables in the current scope. We then set the value of the key 
|'.'| to the string |'This is a period'|. Finally, we print the value of 
the variable by referencing it using the period enclosed in quotes. Note 
that this is not a recommended practice and can make your code difficult 
to read and maintain.

globals()['.'] = 'world'

# concatenate two strings with the period variable in between
string1 = 'Hello'
result = string1 + globals()['.'] + '!'
print(result)  # output: "Hello.world!"

# split a string into a list using the period variable as the delimiter
string2 = 'This is a sentence. It has multiple periods.'
result = string2.split(globals()['.'])
print(result)  # output: ['This is a sentence', ' It has multiple 
periods', '']

# replace all occurrences of the period variable with another character
string3 = 'This is a sentence. It has a period.'
result = string3.replace(globals()['.'], '!')
print(result)  # output: "This is a sentence! It has a period!"
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