[D66] There Is No Plan for the End of the Coronavirus Crisis

Antid Oto jugg at ziggo.nl
Mon Apr 6 17:45:58 CEST 2020


coronavirus Apr. 5, 2020
There Is No Plan for the End of the Coronavirus Crisis
By David Wallace-Wells

For a month, American journalists and public-health experts have praised 
the coronavirus response of South Korea and Singapore above all others. 
On Tuesday, Singapore will close its schools and most businesses to 
guard against an out-of-control outbreak; South Korea just extended its 
social-distancing policy. In the early months of this pandemic, the most 
developed parts of Asia have visibly outperformed the rest of the world 
— a differential that has produced a string of viral charts showing the 
benefits of mask-wearing and universal testing. But in recent days, Hong 
Kong and Taiwan, noting a rise of new cases arriving via international 
visitors, have shut their borders. Cases are spiking in Japan, and a 
second wave of infections is feared in China, as well. Which means that, 
all told, many of the nations desperate Americans have spent the last 
few months praising as exemplary models of public health management do 
not actually have the virus under control — or at least not to the 
degree it appeared a few weeks ago, or to the degree you might be hoping 
for if you expected a (relatively) quick end to quarantine measures and 
economic shutdown followed by a (relatively) rapid snapback to “normal” 
life and economic recovery.

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