Is a US attack on Iran imminent?

Antid Oto aorta at HOME.NL
Tue Mar 30 11:54:26 CEST 2010

REPLY TO: D66 at

Heb je een link naar die automakers? Heb ik wat gemist?

AO ☭

Cees Binkhorst wrote:
> REPLY TO: D66 at
> Denk dat het eerder aan informatietekort ligt.
> Politici worden niet voor niets zenuwachtig van internet en willen niet
> voor niets alle communicatie kunnen volgen.
> Kijk maar wat 'voorlichting' over enkele tientallen doden doet met
> sommige automakers.
> Toch mooi meegenomen door de 'echte' Amerikaanse automakers!
> Groet / Cees
> Antid Oto wrote:
>> REPLY TO: D66 at
>> Israel zal niet in een vredesduif veranderen bij opname in het
>> reactionaire EU project. Need I say Lieberman, lieber man? Need I say
>> Obama, lieber man? Waarom kiest men toch steeds warmongers?
>> Je bent te optimistisch bent over de corrigerende factor van bourgeois
>> democratie Cees. De apathie overheerst.
>> AO ☭
>> Cees Binkhorst wrote:
>>> REPLY TO: D66 at
>>> Ik zou me kunnen voorstellen dat na zo'n oorlog velen onder ons gaan
>>> weeklagen over al die mooie meiden die omgekomen zijn (waar ik uiteraard
>>> óók bezwaar tegen heb).
>>> Anderen zullen willen dat Israel onmiddellijk in de EU wordt opgenomen.
>>> Het overgrote deel zal echter de conclusie trekken dat de toekomst niet
>>> is aan de 'warmongerers' en dienovereenkomstig handelen en stemmen.
>>> Moeten natuurlijk goed in de gaten houden of JPB & Co. en de Cohen's ons
>>> wel laten stemmen ;)
>>> Groet / Cees
>>> PS. Iets soortgelijks is al eens gebeurd. Toen er serieus sprake van was
>>> dat Turkije bij de EU zou komen, werden we op een ochtend wakker en
>>> kwamen tot de verrassende conclusie dat Cyprus in de EU zat (mét een
>>> veto om Turkije tegen te houden).
>>> Antid Oto wrote:
>>>> REPLY TO: D66 at
>>>> Is a US attack on Iran imminent?
>>>> 30 March 2010
>>>> In recent weeks there have been a series of press reports as well as
>>>> statements by military experts that strongly indicate that either the
>>>> Obama administration or the Israeli government, or both, may be moving
>>>> toward an attack on Iran.
>>>> Some of the press reports have been so detailed and provocative that
>>>> it is difficult to determine whether they are describing actual plans
>>>> for military action of whether they are “merely” intended to ratchet
>>>> up pressure on the clerical regime in Tehran. Even if the United
>>>> States and Israel are primarily engaged at this point in a war of
>>>> nerves, the political and military logic of their actions lead
>>>> inexorably to war.
>>>> Yesterday the World Socialist Web Site reported on the Brookings
>>>> Institution’s simulated war games in which Iran is the target (see:
>>>> “Washington ratchets up war threats against Iran”). Teams of US
>>>> officials—“playing” the US, Israel, Iran, and other regional
>>>> powers—tried to determine the outcome of an Israeli attack on Iran’s
>>>> nuclear plants. The war game tried to present the conflict as
>>>> initially remaining limited to exchanges of targeted strikes between
>>>> Israel and Iran.
>>>> US policymakers let it be known, however, that they envisaged
>>>> ultimately mounting a massive assault on Iran. The war game was halted
>>>> a week into the war—which, by then, had spread to Iranian or
>>>> pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon, Israel, the Occupied Territories, the
>>>> Arabian Peninsula, and the Persian Gulf—with the US preparing strikes
>>>> to annihilate large sections of the Iranian military.
>>>> This was the most prominent of a series of provocative announcements
>>>> against Iran in the US press. Last week saw reports that the US is
>>>> stocking bunker-busting bombs at airfields on Diego Garcia, to destroy
>>>> Iran’s suspected nuclear facilities, and reports of Israeli plans to
>>>> drop nuclear bombs on these same facilities.
>>>> There is an obvious connection between the intensification of
>>>> preparations for military action and the apparent failure of the
>>>> US-backed “Green Revolution” to gain the political momentum and social
>>>> support necessary to topple the Teheran government.
>>>> The Green Revolution movement, which never developed support outside a
>>>> limited middle-class base, became ever weaker in the final months of
>>>> 2009. At the same time, Washington increased its pressure on Iran in
>>>> negotiations over its nuclear program, calling for sanctions to be
>>>> agreed upon by the UN Security Council. In December 2009 the New York
>>>> Times carried an article, describing the rising power of broadly
>>>> pro-Ahmadinejad factions of the Iranian military, titled “Hard-Line
>>>> Rise Alters View of Iranian Nuclear Program.”
>>>> It is significant that the current press accounts of preparations for
>>>> war emerged after the acknowledgment by top US personnel that the
>>>> Green Revolution was a failure. Contradicting months of US-media
>>>> propaganda, Richard Haass, president of the US Council on Foreign
>>>> Relations, told CNN on February 14 that the US had no facts to back up
>>>> claims by Green Revolution spokesmen that its candidate, Mir Hossein
>>>> Mousavi, had won last June’s election. Asked about a US poll showing a
>>>> 57 percent Ahmadinejad vote versus 27 percent for Mousavi immediately
>>>> before the elections, Haass replied, “I don’t know if the opposition
>>>> is 25 percent, 50 percent, or more.”
>>>> For the time being, Washington’s Green Revolution proxies have been
>>>> marginalized. The United States has reacted to this setback by leaking
>>>> information to the press that suggests that a military operation is in
>>>> the works.
>>>> One of the purposes of these threatening reports may well be to goad
>>>> Teheran into some sort of defensive action that might be portrayed by
>>>> the US government and the media as a hostile military act. This would
>>>> provide the US with a casus belli that would be invoked to justify an
>>>> attack on Iran. Another possibility is that the US (and Israel)
>>>> expects that the escalation of pressure on Iran will produce new
>>>> fractures within Teheran’s political elite. In one way or another,
>>>> Washington is determined to restore the political and economic control
>>>> over Iran that it enjoyed before the 1979 Revolution, back in the
>>>> heady days when the Shah functioned as the CIA’s principal agent in
>>>> Tehran.
>>>> The Iranian crisis illustrates the fundamental continuity of US
>>>> imperialist policy, against claims that Obama would pursue policies
>>>> fundamentally different from those of Bush. In fact, in a sinister
>>>> throwback to Bush’s campaign of lies on Iraq’s alleged “weapons of
>>>> mass destruction,” US officials are escalating threats even though
>>>> they admit they have no “solid clues” suggesting the existence of an
>>>> Iranian nuclear weapon.
>>>> A US and/or Israeli attack on Iran would be a monstrous act of
>>>> imperialist criminality. Countless thousands of Iranians would be
>>>> killed in the first hours of a war. Moreover, a war against Iran would
>>>> have incalculable international repercussions, and would bring the
>>>> entire world closer to the day of a global nuclear conflagration.
>>>> Alex Lantier
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