Greece under European Union diktat

Antid Oto aorta at HOME.NL
Thu Feb 11 08:57:17 CET 2010

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Greece under European Union diktat
11 February 2010

For the first time since the introduction of its common currency, the
European Union has made a country subject to its diktat. The European
Commission intends to rigorously supervise the brutal austerity
programme by which the Greek government plans to cut its budget
deficit from 13 to 3 percent of the country’s gross domestic product
within two years.

The basis for the virtual dictatorship of the EU bureaucracy is a plan
submitted in January by the Greek government to the European
Commission. The plan envisages an overall reduction in public
expenditure of 10 percent, public service wage cuts and job cuts, a
two-year increase in the retirement age, cuts in the health service,
and higher taxes, including a tax surcharge on fuel.

The European Union spent three weeks examining the plan and intends to
review its implementation every one to three months. If the Greek
government deviates in any way from the plan, Brussels threatens to
impose even more sweeping austerity measures.

EU Economics and Currency Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said last week,
“We support and will supervise Greece with all the means at our
disposal.” He added that the “reforms” of the health service, pension
entitlements and the job market had “urgently” to be implemented. Any
deviation would result in “immediate additional cost-cutting

In practice, this means that the elected members of the Greek
parliament and the Greek government can no longer freely decide on
expenditures that affect the lives of millions of citizens.
Sovereignty over the Greek budget lies with non-elected bureaucrats in
Brussels, who lack any democratic legitimacy.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung commented that “the Greek parliament can no
longer decide on expenditure without the Europeans casting their eyes
on it. The deputies must nod through the government’s proposals for
wage cuts in the public service, savings in pension entitlements,
reforms of the tax and social security systems, as well as the overall
cut in public expenditure of around 10 percent. They have the
controllers from Brussels sitting on their shoulders.” These check
“every figure, every vote.”

This development has a significance that extends far beyond Greece.
The Mediterranean country is to serve as a test case for the entire
European Union. It represents merely the tip of the iceberg.

Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Belgium all have similar high
levels of debt, and Austria is in danger of being dragged into the
abyss by its ongoing banking crisis. Even the allegedly “strong”
eurozone countries such as Germany and France have piled up record

These debts have arisen from the hundreds of billions pumped into the
banks by European governments in order to cover the banks’ speculative
losses and enable them to make fresh profits. Now, these gaping budget
holes are to be plugged at the expense of the working class, with the
European Commission assuming the role of chief debt collector for the

Greece provides an especially lucrative prospect for the financial
predators. It must pay 3.5 percentage points more interest on its debt
than Germany, although it shares the same currency. The banks, which
can borrow money from the European Central Bank at near-zero interest
rates, are able to make an enormous profit lending to Greece at
extortionate rates, which they justify on the basis of the country’s
risk of a state bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, the country is being propelled into the vortex of
international speculation, which in turn intensifies its budget
crisis. According to the Financial Times, hedge funds and speculators
invested around $8 billion betting against the euro last Monday, the
largest sum ever invested on the expectation of a currency’s decline.
Many media outlets have drawn a parallel with the speculation against
the British pound carried out by George Soros in 1992, which led the
British Central Bank to devalue the pound, resulting in billions in
profit for Soros.

The crisis in Greece is attracting the most parasitic representatives
of finance capital, whose methods resemble those of the Mafia, with
the European Commission serving as the consigliere to the godfathers
of finance.

Such ends cannot be achieved through democratic means. While the PASOK
government of Greece, led by George Papandreou, is quite prepared to
cooperate with the European Union and prove its readiness to implement
radical economic cuts, the Greek population has been robbed of any
possibility of influencing policy through democratic means by the EU

It is only 36 years since the Greek military dictatorship was brought
down following seven years of bloody rule. A return to a similar state
of affairs is not excluded. The logic of the EU policy points in this

At present, the EU and the financial interests behind it are relying
on the social-democratic PASOK, which owes its election victory last
October to mass opposition to the right-wing Karamanlis government.
For its part, PASOK relies on the trade unions, which seek to keep
growing popular opposition under control by organising disjointed,
limited actions aimed merely at letting off steam.

The unions, in turn, rely on the opportunist, pseudo-left parties—the
Stalinist Communist Party and the SYRIZA alliance—to provide them with
political cover, bolster their efforts to channel popular anger along
nationalist lines, and block the development of a socialist and
internationalist perspective for the working class.

These organisations, however, are increasingly discredited and could
well lose control over the working population. The likelihood of an
open confrontation is growing. Workers must prepare for such an
eventuality by drawing the necessary political conclusions.

The mere fact that all relevant decisions regarding Greek policy are
made in Brussels demonstrates that there is no national solution to
the crisis. Those forces—whether from the left or the right of the
political spectrum—that seek to delude workers with talk of a national
solution are leading them into a dead end. The globalisation of
production and financial markets has long since stripped away the
basis for all national programmes.

Greek workers must turn to the European and international working
class and fight for a socialist programme based on expropriating the
major financial institutions and corporations and placing them under
democratic social control.

For their part, workers in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the other
EU countries must take up the cause of the Greek workers. If the
European Commission succeeds in implementing its programme of drastic
cuts in Greece, they will be next.

Five years ago, the French and Dutch electorate rejected the draft for
a European constitution. The editorial board of the World Socialist
Web Site opposed the constitution, writing: “Whoever votes ‘yes’ is
not voting ‘for Europe,’ as the proponents of the constitution state.
Such a vote legitimises the bourgeois state, capitalist private
property, militarism and imperialist foreign policy. It legitimises a
Europe in which the elementary interests of the population are
subordinated to the profit interests of the major corporations and banks.”

Since then, the European constitution has been imposed by back-door
methods, in the form of the Lisbon Treaty, and the warning made by the
WSWS has been completely vindicated. What we further wrote at that
time is entirely applicable today: “The only alternative to the
European Union and its constitution that genuinely embodies the
interests of the working class is the United Socialist States of Europe.”

Peter Schwarz

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