
Henk Vreekamp vreekamp at KNOWARE.NL
Mon Sep 27 08:45:31 CEST 2004

REPLY TO: D66 at

Eigenlijk spreekt men van "communitarisme", en dat is een sociologiserende 
stroming die al twintig, dertig jaar bestaat en gemeenschappelijke waarden 
en relaties benadrukt, als weerwoord op meer relativistische of 
marxistische stromingen. Hirsch Balin bekende zich in Nederland als eerste 
tot die filosofie. De christendemocratie claimt het, maar de oorsprong ligt 
toch meer bij de Engelse sociaal-democratie.

Op zich lijkt me dit een veel leuker onderwerp voor een langdurig debat, 
evenzeer als bijv. populisme.


At 00:10 27-9-04 +0200, you wrote:
>REPLY TO: D66 at
>Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks wrote:
>>REPLY TO: D66 at
>>  Zag zojuist op de TV iets over 'communitarians'. Dat waarden en normen
>>  gedoe van Balkenende zou daar mee samenhangen.
>>  Ik vond op Internet 'The Communitarian Network',
>>  Daar staat: The Communitarian Network is a coalition of individuals and
>>  organizations who have come together to shore up the moral, social, and
>>  political environment. We are a nonsectarian, nonpartisan, transnational
>>  association.
>Nou ja, voor wat dat waard is.
>>  Er wordt gelinkt naar,
>>  Alwaar: Communitarians believe with America’s Founding Fathers that it
>>  is possible to build the good society based upon the core values of the
>>  American people as defined by the Declaration of Independence, the
>>  Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
>>  Ik begrijp er geen bal van.
>De nieuwe golden rule niet?
>Men wil etisch leven, en waarbij je je verantwoordelijk
>voelt. Men wil leven in een gemeenschap van gemeenschappen.
>Dat je weer luisterd naar het gezag.
>Er werd in het verleden wat lacherig over gedaan, maar het
>staat nu hoog op de agenda, aldus Balkenende.
>>Het ziet er allemaal nogal eng uit. Dat wel.
>Is het ook.
>Hirsch (bulldog) Ballin's reactie gezien toen - op een
>wollige uitspraak van - hem gevraagd werd, 'wie kan daar nu
>op tegen zijn' ? Eventjes doorvragen en dan komt de ware
>aard van het beestje pas echt naar boven. Erg griezelig ....
>>  Is dit een Christelijke secte of zo ?
>Nou, nog net niet. Ze willen het liever zo niet genoemd
>hebben. Dan val je namelijk op, en dat wil men niet.
>Men heeft liever invloed, en zo dat het niet opvalt.
>Men zoekt het via de dialoog.
>Een beetje zoals Balkenende zelf, zeg maar. Hij zegt vaak -
>men moet met elkaar praten - maar kan daar uitgerekend zelf
>geen invulling aan geven. Er komt geen dialoog op gang.
>Maar met de grote guru Etzioni kan hij bijvoorbeeld wel
>spreken, nou ja luisteren. Op stapels vragen en reacties van
>anderen heeft en geeft ie geen antwoord terug.
>Overigens schijnt die (secret) guru Etzioni (moralist) nog
>meer volgelingen te hebben,
>- Tony Blair
>- Jimmy Carter
>- Joska Fischer
>- Rudolf Scharping
>.. om er enkele te noemen.
>Ho wacht even, wat zeg ik, moralist? Ughmm ehh .. "public
>intellectual, although not all funny" ....
>Amitai Etzioni Notes: Being a public intellectual is not all
>fun and games
>Amitai Etzioni Notes: Hague Presentation
>linkt door naar:
>Conferences and Events - Communitarian Speech at the Hague
>Text of presentation by Amitai Etzioni at September 7th
>conference at the Hague titled, "Europe, A Beautiful Idea"
>His Excellency Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, honored
>guests, ladies and gentlemen - I am deeply honored and
>privileged to participate in this important occasion.
>Elected officials not only have a right-- but a duty-- to
>initiate moral dialogues that can lead to the formation of
>new shared moral understandings. As already indicated, it is
>impossible to seriously consider any matters of public
>policy or law without examining their moral implications.
>And if shared moral foundations for such policies and laws
>are missing, either these will be based on the values of a
>governing minority or will have no moral justification at
>all. Hence the best way to initiate significant changes in
>policy and law-- is to start by initiating moral dialogues
>on the issues involved, and nurturing these dialogues until
>they mature, until they lead to new, shared moral
>understandings. Thus, if a government contemplates greatly
>cutting back the welfare state, reducing unemployment
>benefits, and the scope of health care insurance, or opening
>the doors to many more immigrants from different parts of
>the world, or legalizing hereto controlled substances (or
>"drugs")-that government best first initiate moral dialogues
>within the public at large whether such changes are morally
>legitimate. And if such legitimacy cannot be established--
>the government best reconsider its course.
>Finally, elected officials serve as moral role models. When
>a divorced head of state, who is estranged from his
>children-- extols family values, he is not very compelling.
>And when one who rarely has seen the inside of a place of
>worship, or observes the tenets of his faith, goes on and on
>about the role of religion in his life, he is not much of a
>model. All public leaders better do-- what they say we ought
>to do.
>At the same time we should not expect perfection from our
>public leaders, from our institutions, or for that matter
>from--anybody else. It is part of human nature that even if
>people come from whatever are considered "good" families,
>are well educated, and live in communities that foster moral
>conduct-that they still will stray. We should expect them to
>admit to their failings--and that of their policies--rather
>than add insult to injury by covering up wrongdoings. We
>should ask of them, and of ourselves, to labor to come
>closer to our shared moral ideals we lose our footing and
>come back to climb to a higher level of adherence to our values.
>Some may feel that these are sentiments long expressed by
>preachers of various religions; this is indeed true but this
>fact does not render these observations less valid, even if
>examined by the standards of modern social science. The fact
>that we are each other's keeper, that we have the potential
>to encourage one another to be better than we would be
>otherwise, does not make us less so because it is so written
>in the bible, even if some prefer to take such truths from
>great social scientists such as Emil Durkheim or Ferdinand
>Tönnies. Either way, there is no denying that we have the
>potential to live a morally good life, but that we are not
>going to realize this potential unless we are prodded to
>aspire to live by higher moral standards by our leaders, and
>above all, by one another.
>Henk Elegeert
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