[D66] SemioPhysics: Speed of Light revisited

René Oudeweg roudeweg at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 17:05:45 CET 2024

[Niet echt verwonderlijk, deze recente bevindingen over het breken van 
de lichtsnelheid in een cesium wolk, omdat de seconde afgeleid is van de 
welbekende oscillaties van het Cesium-133 atoom. Eerder had ik hier en 
in mn maelstroom boek vermeld dat c helemaal niet one-way gemeten kan 
worden, en dat de werkelijke snelheid, c(ro), divergeert naar oneindigheid.

Als de traditionele Fysica uitgaat van c, dan gaat SemioPhysics uit van 
c(ro). Ik noem het voorlopig 'SemioPhysics' (SemioFysica) bij gebrek aan 
een beter woord. PS: Abian's crackpot formule dook uit het verleden weer 
even op maar kon de afleiding niet helemaal volgen om de Tovenaars T uit 
te rekenen voor mijn +2kg Reino Sphere...:



T = A m^2



The 9 Experiments That Will Change Your View of Light (And Blow Your Mind)
Astrum 1,81 mln. abonnees


Negative group velocity of a light pulse in cesium vapour

Faster Than Light, Maybe, But Not Back to the Future
James Glanz
9–12 minutes


The speed at which light travels through a vacuum, about 186,000 miles 
per second, is enshrined in physics lore as a universal speed limit. 
Nothing can travel faster than that speed, according to freshman 
textbooks and conversation at sophisticated wine bars; if anything 
could, Einstein's theory of relativity would crumble, and theoretical 
physics would fall into disarray.

Two new experiments have demonstrated how flexible or misleading that 
comfortable wisdom can be in the right circumstances. Using a 
combination of atomic and electromagnetic effects, researchers have 
produced light beams in the laboratory that appear to travel much faster 
than the normal speed of light. Einstein's theory survives, physicists 
say, but the results of the experiments, they agree, are mind-bending.


The Speed of Light Is Exceeded in Lab
Curt Suplee
7–8 minutes

In a landmark experiment, scientists have broken the cosmic speed limit, 
causing a light pulse to travel at many times the speed of light--so 
fast that the peak of the pulse exited a specially prepared test chamber 
before it even finished entering it.

That seems to contradict not only common sense, but also a bedrock 
principle of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which sets the 
speed of light in a vacuum, about 186,000 miles per second, as the 
fastest that anything can go.

But the findings--the long-awaited first clear evidence of 
faster-than-light motion--are "not at odds with Einstein," said Lijun 
Wang, who with colleagues at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, 
N.J., report their results in today's issue of the journal Nature.

"However," Wang said, "our experiment does show that the generally held 
misconception that 'nothing can move faster than the speed of light' is 
wrong." Nothing with mass can exceed the light-speed limit. But 
physicists now believe that a pulse of light--which is a group of 
massless individual waves--can.


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