[D66] Was de Nord Stream pijpleiding ontploffing wel sabotage ?

Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks fluks at combidom.com
Sat Oct 8 10:30:27 CEST 2022

  Rene Oudeweg <roudeweg at gmail.com>,
> Nee, seismische activiteit is uitgesloten door de Deense 
> seismografische dienst.

Even verder gekeken...

   The Geological Survey of Denmark said that a seismograph on
   Bornholm showed two spikes on 26 September: the first P wave
   at 02:03 local time (CEST) had a magnitude of 2.3 and the
   second at 19:03 had a magnitude of 2.1. Similar data was
   provided by a seismograph at Stevns, and by several seismographs
   in Germany, Sweden (as far away as the station in Kalix 1,300
   kilometres or 810 miles north), Finland and Norway. The seismic
   data was characteristic of underwater explosions, not natural
   events, and showed that they happened near the locations where
   the leaks were later discovered.
   Sweden's Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said that it likely
   was sabotage and also mentioned the detonations. Geological
   Survey of Denmark said that the tremors that had been detected
   were unlike those recorded during earthquakes, but similar to
   those recorded during explosions. The Swedish public service
   broadcaster SVT reported that measuring stations in both
   Sweden and Denmark recorded strong underwater explosions near
   the Nord Stream pipelines. Björn Lund, Associate Professor in
   Seismology at The Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) said
   "there is no doubt that these were explosions" at an estimated
   100-kilogram (220 lb) TNT equivalent.

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