[D66] The Politics of COVID-19 - Reading List

Antid Oto jugg at ziggo.nl
Wed Mar 18 14:09:45 CET 2020

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  Edition #1

    *The Politics of COVID-19*

        Reading List | March 17th


/[We plan to publish these several times a week, at least for the time 
being. You can subscribe to the highlights of this edition – which will 
also contain the link to the full list of links – //here/ 
<https://covid19syllabus.substack.com/>/. The second installment could 
be found here 



  * The Legal and Economics Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic
    <https://kpfa.org/episode/letters-and-politics-march-10-2020//> [Podcast]

  * The Coronavirus and Social Inequality in America
    <http://thechaunceydevegashow.libsyn.com/ep-278-the-coronavirus-and-social-inequality-in-america/> [Podcast]

  * The COVID-19 Upheaval Scenario: Inequality and Pandemic Make an
    Explosive Mix

  * Government Austerity Is Costing Lives in the Fight to Contain

  * Non, le Coronavirus N’Est Pas le Responsable de la Chute des Cours
    <https://www.cadtm.org/Non-le-coronavirus-n-est-pas-le-responsable-de-la-chute-des-cours-boursiers/> [French]

  * Coronavírus Expõe a Catástrofe do Teto de Gastos
    <https://outraspalavras.net/outrasaude/coronavirus-a-hora-de-debater-o-teto-dos-gastos//> [Portuguese]

  * Coronavírus: por que Revogar Já a Emenda 95
    <https://outraspalavras.net/podcasts/podcast-coronavirus-por-que-revogar-ja-a-emenda-95//> [Podcast
    – Portuguese]

  * Alone against the Virus

  * Epidemia de Neoliberalismo
    <https://www.jornada.com.mx/2020/03/13/opinion/018a1pol/> [Spanish]

  * L’economia Politica del Coronavirus

  * The Dismantled State Takes on a Pandemic


  * Coronavirus Is Not Guilty

  * Las Lecciones que Puede Dar el Coronavirus a la Especie Humana
    <https://www.desdeabajo.info/sociedad/item/39070-las-lecciones-que-puede-dar-el-coronavirus-a-la-especie-humana.html/> [Spanish]

  * How the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Affecting CO2 Emissions

  * Le Covid-19 Est-Il un Accélérateur des Transitions ?
    <https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/linvite-actu/invite-actu-des-matins-du-samedi-suite-du-samedi-14-mars-2020/> [Podcast
    – French]

  * Coronavirus, Zoonosi, Pandemie e Cambiamenti Ambientali: la Risposta
    È Nello Sviluppo Sostenibile
    <https://www.welfarenetwork.it/coronavirus-zoonosi-pandemie-e-cambiamenti-ambientali-la-risposta-e-nello-sviluppo-sostenibile-20200315//> [Italian]


  * Naomi Klein: Coronavirus Is the Perfect Disaster for ‘Disaster

  * Emanuele Coccia : «Les Virus Nous Rappellent que n’Importe Quel Être
    Peut Détruire le Présent et Établir un Ordre Inconnu»
    <https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2020/03/13/emanuele-coccia-les-virus-nous-rappellent-que-n-importe-quel-etre-peut-detruire-le-present-et-etabli_1781597> [French

  * Ivan Krastev: “La Crisis del Coronavirus Va a Reforzar el
    <https://www.elmundo.es/papel/historias/2020/03/15/5e6bc11e21efa0252e8b46c4.html/> [Spanish]

  * “O Coronavírus É um Sintoma da Hipermodernidade”. Entrevista com
    Gilles Lipovetsky
    <http://www.ihu.unisinos.br/78-noticias/597016-o-coronavirus-e-um-sintoma-da-hipermodernidade-entrevista-com-gilles-lipovetsky/> [Portuguese]


  * Coronavirus: jusqu’où Sommes-Nous Prêts à Limiter Nos Libertés ?
    <https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/le-temps-du-debat/coronavirus-jusquou-sommes-nous-prets-a-limiter-nos-libertes/> [Podcast
    – French]

  * Emergenze e Democrazia. Cosa Mette Alla Prova l’Emergenza COVID-19?
    <https://www.radiopopolare.it/emergenze-e-democrazia-cosa-mette-alla-prova-lemergenza-covid-19//> [Podcast
    – Italian]

  * Wie Rechte das Coronavirus zur Hetze gegen Flüchtlinge Benutzen
    <https://blog.zeit.de/stoerungsmelder/2020/03/09/wie-rechte-das-coronavirus-zur-hetze-gegen-fluechtlinge-benutzen_29637/> [German]

  * Coronavirus and the Radical Right: Conspiracy, Disinformation, and

  * Depuis la Chine: de L’imaginaire Viral à l’Ethos Épidémique
    <https://lundi.am/Depuis-la-Chine-De-l-imaginaire-viral-a-l-ethos-epidemique/> [French]

  * Against the Coronavirus and the Opportunism of the State

  * Equating Coronavirus with Terror, Netanyahu Turns Surveillance
    Powers on Israelis


  * Coronakrach <https://blog.mondediplo.net/coronakrach/> [French]

  * El Relato Oficial del Coronavirus Oculta una Crisis Sistémica
    <https://ctxt.es/es/20200302/Politica/31295/coronavirus-epidemia-crisis-capitalismo-recesion-joan-benach.htm/> [Spanish]

  * Coronavirus y Lucha de Clases
    <https://www.elsaltodiario.com/coronavirus/covid19-lucha-clases/> [Spanish]

  * Triggering a Global Financial Crisis: Covid-19 as the Last Straw

  * Il Covid-19 alla Luce aei Gilets Jaunes. Prospettive di Lotta nella
    Crisi Riproduttiva <http://www.euronomade.info/?p=13113/> [Italian]


  * Economía de Tiempos de Pandemia

  * Jornada Quinta. O Corona-Keynes o Corona-Friedman
    <http://www.ctxt.es/es/20200302/Politica/31375/guillem-martinez-decameron5-coronavirus-medidas-sociales-Keynes-Friedman.htm/> [Spanish]

  * Big Pharma Prepares to Profit from the Coronavirus

  * Feverish Stock Price Reactions to COVID-19

  * The Economic Impact of Massive Infectious and Contagious Diseases:
    the Case of Wuhan Coronavirus

  * An Effective Economic Response to the Coronavirus in Europe

  * For the Sake of the Child: the Economization of Reproduction in the
    Zika Public Health Emergency

  * Economics in the Time of COVID-19

  * Le Conseguenze Economiche del Coronavirus
    <http://sbilanciamoci.info/le-conseguenze-economiche-del-coronavirus//> [Italian]

  * The Economic Consequences of Coronavirus: a Major Economic and
    Financial Crisis


  * Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19): What We Know?

  * Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Corona Virus Disease 2019
    (COVID-19) in Changsha, China

  * The Deadly Coronaviruses: the 2003 SARS Pandemic and the 2020 Novel
    Coronavirus Epidemic in China

  * Substantial Undocumented Infection Facilitates the Rapid
    Dissemination of Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2)


  * Wash Your Hands, Again
    <https://play.acast.com/s/londonreviewpodcasts/53c1fa0c-2746-4f89-ad6f-49639032764a/> [Podcast]

  * How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted down Viruses from SARS to the New

  * Here’s Why Border Control Will Not Stop Coronavirus

  * What We Can Learn from Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong about
    Handling Coronavirus

  * How the Spectre of the Black Death Still Haunts Our Collective

  * Going Viral: Covid-19 and Its Regional and Global Implications
    <https://soundcloud.com/fairbank-center/going-viral-covid-19-and-its-regional-and-global-implications/> [Podcast]

  * Podia Ter Sido Diferente? Teria Sido Possível Evitar a Pandemia em
    Portugal e Na Europa?
    <https://observador.pt/especiais/podia-ter-sido-diferente-teria-sido-possivel-evitar-a-pandemia-em-portugal-e-na-europa//> [Portuguese]

  * Work in the Time of Coronavirus
    <https://www.dissentmagazine.org/blog/belabored-podcast-193-work-in-the-time-of-coronavirus/> [Podcast]

  * Lo que la Historia Nos Enseña sobre las Consecuencias Económicas de
    Grandes Epidemias como la Peste
    <https://www.eldiario.es/economia/historia-consecuencias-economicas-epidemias-historicas_0_1005099785.html/> [Spanish]

  * ‘It Became Part of Life’: How Haiti Curbed Cholera

  * What Are Scientists Doing about Coronavirus?
    <https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csz1vg/> [Podcast]

  * Preventing the Next Virus Outbreak

  * COVID-19 and Italy: What Next?

  * How Much Is Coronavirus Spreading under the Radar?


  * ¿Por Qué el Coronavirus Podría Ser Más Letal para los Países Pobres?
    <https://elpais.com/elpais/2020/03/14/3500_millones/1584201502_545688.html/> [Spanish]

  * Un Piano Marshall Anti-Virus
    <https://www.radiopopolare.it/un-piano-marshall-anti-virus//> [Podcast
    – Italian]

  * Solidarity for a Healthier World

  * La Santé Publique Mondiale à L’épreuve
    <https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/affaires-etrangeres/la-sante-publique-mondiale-a-lepreuve/> [Podcast]

  * Why Nigeria Knows Better How to Fight Corona than the US


  * Interregnum Climax: the Impact of Coronavirus on the EU and the
    Transformative Possibilities of Its Response

  * Viral Brexit

  * Heiner Flassbeck – Germany’s Emergency-Stop: the Economy in the Time
    of Corona

  * Japan and Korea Won’t Let a Pandemic Stop Them Fighting

  * Regulating COVID-19: What Lessons Can Be Learned from the Handling
    of the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic by the EU and the WHO?

  * Can Coronavirus Force Policy Types to Think Clearly about
    Intellectual Property?

  * Coronavirus: the Incompetence Pandemic

  * Долой Вирусный Суверенитет
    <http://www.ng.ru/kartblansh/2020-03-15/3_7817_kartblansh.html/> [Russian]

  * Socialism as Counter-Pandemic

  * Capitalism Is an Incubator for Pandemics: Socialism Is the Solution

  * Inoculating against Globalization: Coronavirus and the Search for

  * Para Derrotar al Coronavirus a la Recesión Hacen Falta Políticas
    Republicanas de Izquierda
    <http://www.sinpermiso.info/textos/para-derrotar-al-coronavirus-y-la-recesion-hacen-falta-politicas-republicanas-de-izquierda/> [Spanish]


  * You Can Help Fight Coronavirus by Giving Scientists Access to Your

  * La Silicon Valley Sauvée par le Coronavirus ?

  * The New Transparency: Smartphones, Data Tracking, and COVID-19

  * Wie Behörden Ihre Bürger in der Corona-Krise Mittels
    Smartphone-Daten Überwachen
    <https://www.nzz.ch/digital/coronavirus-wie-behoerden-die-buerger-in-der-krise-ueberwachen-ld.1546033/> [German]

  * Coronavirus: the Low Tech of the High Tech

  * Coronavirus Tracker: How Tech Companies Are Handling COVID-19

  * The Coronavirus Exposes Amazon’s Algorithmic Greed

  * Coronavirus and the Great Online-Learning Experiment
    <https://www.chronicle.com/article/Coronavirusthe-Great/248216/> [$]

  * Silicon Valley Ramps up Efforts to Tackle Virus
    <https://www.wsj.com/articles/silicon-valley-ramps-up-efforts-to-tackle-virus-11584313224/> [$]

  * Dalla Crisi del Coronavirus Si Esce in Tre Modi: Digitale, Digitale,
    <https://www.linkiesta.it/it/article/2020/03/16/coronavirus-governo-digitale-modello-corea/45856//> [Italian]


  * ‘Disaster Socialism’: Will Coronavirus Crisis Finally Change How
    Americans See the Safety Net?

  * Las Epidemias No Solo Entienden de Salud
    <https://ctxt.es/es/20200203/Firmas/31181/Javier-Padilla-Bernaldez-coronavirus-epidemias-salud-publica-covid-19.htm/> [Spanish]

  * La Pandémie de Covid-19 Va-T-Elle Mettre Fin à Trois Décennies
    d’Austérité Imposée à l’Hôpital ?
    <https://www.bastamag.net/Coronavirus-Covid19-austerite-hopital-reduction-depenses-publiques-historique-lois-soins-sante/> [French]

  * Keeping Business Alive: the Government as Buyer of Last Resort

  * Cronaca di una Pandemia Annunciata
    <http://sbilanciamoci.info/cronaca-di-una-pandemia-annunciata//> [Italian]

  * Per un Reddito di Quarantena! E Non Solo…
    <https://www.globalproject.info/it/in_movimento/per-un-reddito-di-quarantena-e-non-solo/22634/> [Italian]

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