[D66] Notes towards a Neo-Luddite manifesto

R.O. jugg at ziggo.nl
Thu Jul 30 08:07:57 CEST 2020


In 1990, Chellis Glendinning published her “Notes towards a Neo-Luddite 
manifesto” in the Utne Reader, reclaiming the term 'luddite'. According 
to Glendinning, Neo-Luddites are “20th century citizens — activists, 
workers, neighbors, social critics, and scholars — who question the 
predominant modern worldview, which preaches that unbridled technology 
represents progress.”[15] Glendinning then gives the following 
principles of Neo-Luddism:

     “Neo-Luddites are not anti-technology:” Glendinning proposes that 
Neo-Luddites are only against specific kinds of technology which are 
destructive to communities or are materialistic and rationalistic.

     “All technologies are political:” Technologies are not neutral but 
have been created in specific social contexts for specific interests. 
Mass technological society has created technologies to perpetuate its 
specific values (short-term efficiency, ease of production and 
marketing, profit) and this has led to rigid social institutions.

     “The personal view of technology is dangerously limited:” Instead 
of focusing on how technology will improve the life of an individual, 
critics need to look at the wider social, economic and ecological 
implications of technological systems.

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