[D66] The Global Police State

R.O. jugg at ziggo.nl
Sat Aug 29 10:18:11 CEST 2020


  The Global Police State

William I Robinson <https://www.plutobooks.com/author/william-i-robinson>



(with free eBook)






A critical look at the terrifying rise in the control of 'surplus' 

  * Overview
  * Author Biography
  * Endorsements
  * Contents
  * Details

As the world becomes ever more unequal, people become ever more 
'disposable'. Today, governments systematically exclude sections of 
their populations from society though heavy-handed policing. But it 
doesn't always go to plan. William I. Robinson exposes the nature and 
dynamics of this out-of-control system, arguing for the urgency of 
creating a movement capable of overthrowing it.

The global police state uses a variety of ingenious methods of control, 
including mass incarceration, police violence, US-led wars, the 
persecution of immigrants and refugees, and the repression of 
environmental activists. Movements have emerged to combat the increasing 
militarisation, surveillance and social cleansing; however many of them 
appeal to a moral sense of social justice rather than addressing its 
root - global capitalism.

Using shocking data which reveals how far capitalism has become a system 
of repression, Robinson argues that the emerging megacities of the world 
are becoming the battlegrounds where the excluded and the oppressed face 
off against the global police state.

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