[D66] Column: QAnon en Plandemic

Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks fluks at combidom.com
Sat Aug 22 10:46:16 CEST 2020

Bron:   Slate
Datum:  21 augustus 2020
Auteur: Ellen P. Goodman, Karen Kornbluh

Social media platforms need to flatten the curve of dangerous

On Thursday, Casey Newton reported that Facebook is piloting a circuit 
breaker to stop viral spread of posts in some circumstances. Such a 
tool, if it had been adopted earlier, as one of us (Goodman) proposed 
and the Center for American Progress also advanced this week, might have 
helped stop QAnon's toxic spread and might still staunch the flow of 
dangerous incitement and misinformation by introducing friction into the 
algorithmic amplification of dangerous conspiracies.

The news about Facebook comes in the same week that major social media 
platforms, having been warned that it was coming, acted quickly to stop 
the Plandemic sequel from becoming viral. Things went very differently 
when the first Plandemic video appeared in May, going viral with lies 
that masks are dangerous and social distancing is unnecessary. The video 
spread with such velocity that it was viewed more than 8 million times 
in a week before YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter all removed it for 
violating their policies. The video was a digital pathogen with a high 
rate of infection-what virologists call the R-naught.


We need mechanisms that will stop viral spread at least until there has 
been careful consideration, even without the kind of advance notice that 
Facebook had about the Plandemic sequel.


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