[D66] Fwd: [Nettime-nl] boekpresentatie van Organization after Social Media (@Spui 25)

A.O. jugg at ziggo.nl
Sat Sep 8 09:35:35 CEST 2018

Organization after pech


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Subject: [Nettime-nl] boekpresentatie van Organization after Social
Media (@Spui 25)
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 09:17:12 +0200
From: Geert Lovink <geert at xs4all.nl>
To: “nettime-nl list“ <nettime-nl at nettime.org>

We would like to invite you all for the booklaunch of

Geert Lovink & Ned Rossiter, Organization after Social Media (Minor
Compositions, 2018)

Spui25, Amsterdam, Monday September 17, 2018, 5-6.30 PM

The discussion will be chaired by Thomas Poell (UvA, Mediastudies), with
responses by Lonneke van der Velden and activists from various political
initiatives, such as Harriet Bergman from Code Rood, who discuss how
dominant social media are used by current social movements and what
alternative mobilization and communication channels are being used.

—the book will be for sale at the event—

Book info:

Organization after Social Media--Exploring the politics of networks
through and beyond social media
Organized networks are an alternative to the social media logic of weak
links and their secretive economy of data mining. They put an end to
freestyle friends, seeking forms of empowerment beyond the brief moment
of joyful networking. This speculative manual calls for nothing less
than social technologies based on enduring time. Analyzing contemporary
practices of organization through networks as new institutional forms,
organized networks provide an alternative to political parties, trade
unions, NGOs, and traditional social movements. Dominant social media
deliver remarkably little to advance decision-making within digital
communication infrastructures. The world cries for action, not likes.

Organization after Social Media explores a range of social settings from
arts and design, cultural politics, visual culture and creative
industries, disorientated education and the crisis of pedagogy to media
theory and activism. Lovink and Rossiter devise strategies of commitment
to help claw ourselves out of the toxic morass of platform suffocation.

PDF available freely online:

Ordering Information: Available direct from Minor Compositions:


Geert Lovink is a media activist and theorist, internet critic and
author of Uncanny Networks (2001), Dark Fiber (2002), My First Recession
(2003), Zero Comments (2007), Networks Without a Cause (2012) and Social
Media Abyss (2016). He is the founder of the Institute of Network
Cultures at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and
teaches at the European Graduate School in Saas Fee/Malta.
Ned Rossiter is Professor of Communication in the Institute for Culture
and Society with a joint appointment in the School of Humanities and
Communication Arts, Western Sydney University. He is the author of
Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions
(2006) and Software, Infrastructure, Labor: A Media Theory of Logistical
Nightmares (2016).

Lonneke van der Velden is a postdoctoral researcher at DATACTIVE:  the
politics of data according to civil society and teaches at the New Media
and Digital Culture program at the UvA. The DATACTIVE project
investigates critical responses to, and engagements with, mass data
collection. She is part of the editorial board of Krisis, journal for
contemporary philosophy in the Netherlands and is on the Board of
Directors of the Dutch digital rights organisation Bits of Freedom.

Thomas Poell is Senior Lecturer in New Media & Digital Culture and
Program Director of the Research Master Media Studies at the University
of Amsterdam. He has published on social media and popular protest in
Canada, Egypt, Tunisia, India, and China, as well as on the role of
these media in the development of new forms of journalism. His co-
authored and co-edited books include Global Cultures of Contestation
(Palgrave/McMillan, 2017), The Sage Handbook of Social Media (Sage,
2018), and The Platform Society (Oxford University Press, 2018).

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* toegestaan zonder toestemming. <nettime-nl> is een
* open en ongemodereerde mailinglist over net-kritiek.
* Meer info, archief & anderstalige edities:
* http://www.nettime.org/.
* Contact: Menno Grootveld (rabotnik at xs4all.nl).

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