[D66] Het geruïneerde bouwbedrijf

A.O. jugg at ziggo.nl
Thu Nov 8 08:30:34 CET 2018

"Foucault understands Descartes as having been the first to expel
madness in an "act of force," for he considered it simply an
impossibility. Derrida disagrees, saying that Descartes doesn't exclude
madness but rather brings it to a hyperbolical exasperation. While
Foucault thinks Descartes wanted to neutralize the originality of
madness in order to make it the Cogito's other, Derrida thinks that one
only gets to the Cogito through the total madness embodied in the malin
genie. If Derrida is right, Foucault's whole project is trouble, for if
the Cogito only emerges through total madness, the desire to let madness
speak for itself is a gesture of strengthening the Cogito. Not only
that, but Foucault would have done an extreme disservice to the
radicality of the Cartesian project (by nevertheless participating in it)."

On 07-11-18 15:16, A.O. wrote:
> "Derrida believes force is a by product of language's power of
> signification. Because the signifier is always in excess, meaning more
> than it is supposed to, the writer's intended meaning cannot contain it;
> this is the force of language. "Force is not darkness, and it is not
> hidden under a form for which it would serve as substance, matter, or
> crypt. Force cannot be conceived on the basis of an oppositional couple,
> that is, on the basis of the complicity between phenomenology and
> occultism. Nor can it be conceived, from within phenomenology, as the
> fact opposed to meaning."
> http://strongreading.blogspot.com/2010/08/derrida-writing-and-difference-chapters.html
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