[D66] Black,The brilliance of a non-color

J.N. jugg at ziggo.nl
Tue Oct 18 15:01:04 CEST 2016


    The brilliance of a non-color

Badiou, Alain


1. Edition October 2016
80 Pages, Hardcover
/Wiley & Sons Ltd/

ISBN: *978-1-5095-1207-2*
John Wiley & Sons

      Short Description

Who has not had the frightening experience of stumbling around in the 
pitch black? As a child, Alain Badiou went through it when he, along 
with friends, made up a game called "On the stroke of midnight." The 
furtive discovery of the dark continent of sex in banned magazines, the 
beauty of black ink on paper, but also the mysteries of the universe and 
the grief of mourning: these are some of the things we encounter as the 
philosopher takes us on a trip through the private theater of his mind, 
at the whim of his memories. Music, painting, politics, sex, and 
metaphysics: all contribute to making black more luminous than it has 
ever been.

*Buy now*

      Price: 46,90 €

Description <http://www.wiley-vch.de/en#product-description>

  * Content <http://www.wiley-vch.de/en#product-tab1-content>
  * Author information <http://www.wiley-vch.de/en#product-tab3-content>

* Contents
* Translator's note
* Childhood and youth
* Military black
* The Stroke of Midnight
* The black dog in the dark
* The inkwell
* Chalk and markers
* Confusions
* Early sexuality
* The dialectics of black
* Dialectical ambiguities
* Black souls
* Soulages' ultrablack
* Flags
* Red and black. And white. And violet.
* Stendhal: the red and the black
* The dark desire of/for darkness
* Clothing
* The black sign
* Black humor, or black vs. black
* Outward appearance
* Physics, biology, and anthropology
* The metaphorical black of the Cosmos
* The secret blackness of plants
* Animal black
* An invention of white people
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