[D66] Molecular Red: Theory for the Anthropocene

J.N. jugg at ziggo.nl
Thu May 21 13:31:43 CEST 2015


McKenzie Wark
Molecular Red: Theory for the Anthropocene (On Alexander Bogdanov and
Kim Stanley Robinson)

Marx: “All that is solid melts into air.”1 That effervescent phrase
suggests something different now. Of all the liberation movements of the
eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, one succeeded without
limit. It did not liberate a nation, or a class, or a colony, or a
gender, or a sexuality. What it freed was not the animals, and still
less the cyborgs, although it was far from human. What it freed was
chemical, an element: carbon. A central theme of the Anthropocene was
and remains the story of the Carbon Liberation Front.

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