[D66] Garmonbozia: Darwin en Darwin

Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks fluks at combidom.com
Fri Feb 6 11:05:15 CET 2015

Een van de hardnekkigheden die er rondgaan is dat er een Evolutie-
theorie zou bestaan en dat deze geformuleerd zou zijn door Charles
Darwin. Ik heb wel eens vaker beweerd dat dit alles onzin zij, dat
Charles Darwin domweg het werk van zijn grootvader heeft gecopieerd
en dat diens beweringen weer op Vrijmetselarij berusten.

Voorbeeldje: De mens stamt louter van de Aap af omdat de Egyptische
Mercurius, Thoth, een Gele Baviaan zou zijn - vandaar het Gele
geflirt van de zogenaamde sociaal-liberalen met de kleur Geel.

Onlangs vond ik de onderstaande tekst waarin alle ellende domweg bij
elkaar staat. Truc om de tekst te vinden is dat men niet moet zoeken
naar Charles Darwin maar naar de Vrijmetselaarsloge van zijn opa,
Erasmus Darwin. Probleem is echter dat men deze pas vindt als men
het onderstaande reeds weet...

Marc Fluks, Amsterdam

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bron:   The Religion of Darwinism
Datum:  2003
Auteur: Harun Yahya
URL:    http://books.google.nl/books?id=4CGKBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA54
Ref:    http://www.harunyahya.com
Ref:    http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/485
Opm:    Op de website van de Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No2,
         Sir Walters's father was initiated about the same time as
         Erasmus Darwin, physician and physiologist and poet, the
         grandfather of Charles Darwin.
Opm:    De eerste zin hieronder suggereert meer dan er aan de hand
         Zij: Erasmus Darwin was al bijna 7 jaar dood toen Charles
         Darwin in 1809 geboren werd.

Erasmus Darwin's 'Temple of Nature'

The young Charles Darwin had listened to his grandfather, Erasmus
Darwin, since childhood. Actually, it was Erasmus Darwin who first
proposed the idea of evolution in England. He was known as a
physicist, a psychologist, and a poet and exercised considerable
influence, although he led a dark personal life and had at least two
illegimate children. But Erasmus Darwin was one of the most well-known
naturalists in England. Naturalism believed that the essence of the
universe lay in nature and that it had a crealive power. While the
roots of his doctrine go back to the naturalist philosophy found in
ancient Greek and Sumerian myths, its major proponent by the 19th
century was the Masonic organization.

This fact was confirmed in 1884 by Pope Leo XIII, the leader of the
Catholic World, in his encyclian 'Humanum Genus' (The Human Race),
which was directed particularly at the Masons.
    'At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be
    combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence,
    led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread
    association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret
    of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God
The Pope contined to describe the relation between this organization
and naturalism:
    'For, from what we have above most clearly shown, that which is
    their ultimate purpose forces itself into view - namely, the utter
    overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world
    which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of
    a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the
    foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.'

The Masons who adopted naturalism had their greatest representative in
Erasmus Darwin, who was one of the masters of the Canongate Kilwinning
Masonic lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland. Additionally, he seems to have
been involved to some degree with the Jacobin clubs in France, or with
the Illuminati, which was connected with certain Masonic lodges in
France and whose promary duty was to oppose religion. Erasmus educated
his son Robert Darwin (the father of Charles) to be like himself and
made him member of Masonic lodges. Therefore, Charles darwin inherired
Masonry from his father and grandfather.

The main lines of Darwin's theory were, in reality, determined by his
grandfarther, whose naturalist works were designed as a guide for him.
Erasmus Darwin developed the basic logic that was to give form to
Darwinism and expounded it in books titled 'The Temple of Nature' and
'Zoonomia'. It was a renewal of the ancient pagan belief that nature
has creative power. In 1784 a society was founded to assist in the
dissemination of these ideas - The Philosophical Society - which,
decades later, would become one of the largest and most passionate
supporters of Charles Darwin's ideas.

(c) 2003 Abul-Qasim Publishing House

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