[D66] Inhuman Already? Zombies, Vampires, and the Accelerationist Moment

Nord protocosmos66 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 08:15:32 CEST 2013


My students, it seems to me, are inhuman, all-too-inhuman.  Beyond the 
obvious rhetorical dangers of Prometheanism (and beyond the fact that 
there really is nothing new here—the details of the accelerationist 
program seem to dovetail quite nicely with a familiar Habermasian ideal 
of communicative rationality with a sadistic-scientistic twist), my own 
problem with an accelerationist politics, at least as stated in the 
manifesto, have more to do with a substantive disagreement about the 
real stakes and promise of a fully unleashed or “weaponized” scientific 
outlook as the ground of a desirable future, particularly where that 
outlook or “rationality” is grounded on the premise and promise of 
“abductive experimentation” within given fields or structures amenable 
to probabilistic reasoning (i.e. prediction in keeping with the law of 
large numbers, whereby prediction becomes increasingly accurate if 
samples are large enough).

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