[D66] zoektocht naar de Ao taal...

Antid Oto protocosmos66 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 16:45:42 CEST 2012

In de memoires van Victor Serge (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Serge)
maakt Victor melding van een onbekende universele taal (the Ao language) onstaan
tijdens de Russische revolutie periode. Niets te vinden hierover op internet,
behalve een andere "Ao taal" uit India: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ao_languages

Uit 'memoires of a revolutionary' pg. 141:

"Of the anarchist leaders from that tempestuous year of 1918, one was
constructing now a new universal language, entirely in monosyllables, called 'Ao.'

Uit 'Year One of the Russian Revolution':

"Of the Gordin brothers, one has since become the proponent of an international
language of monosyllables, written in signs, the Ao language: the other, having
in 1920-21 founded the original doctrines of Anarcho-Universalism (which seemed
to be about to lead him rapidly towards Communism)"


"For God has given us a language of monosyllables to prevent our clipping."

We zullen deze "Ao taal" wellicht niet vinden op internet.


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