[D66] Commonism

Antid Oto protocosmos66 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 09:36:28 CET 2011

Communism of the commons: commonism.

"If the cell form of capitalism is the commodity, the cellular form of a society
beyond capital is the common. A commodity is a good produced for sale, a common
is a good produced, or conserved, to be shared. The notion of a commodity, a
good produced for sale, presupposes private owners between whom this exchange
occurs. The notion of the common presupposes collectivities – associations and
assemblies – within which sharing is organised. If capitalism presents itself as
an immense heap of commodities, ‘commonism’ is a multiplication of commons."


(Onze stalinistische vriend Zizek noemde zichzelf ook een communist of the
commons btw.)

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