[D66] Geel (Garmonbozia: Meer voorbeelden)

Henk Elegeert h.elegeert at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 05:11:29 CEST 2011

Op 2 juli 2011 13:28 schreef Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks
<fluks at combidom.com>het volgende:

 Enfin, net zo iets als 'democratie'. Waarom loopt Geel
>  D66 zo fanatiek achter zo'n rare vorm van democratie aan ?
>  Omdat democratie voor haar staat voor de overwinning op
>  God (de Tweede Titanomachie tijdens Ragnarok). Zeus (God)
>  wordt vermoord/afgezet conform de voorspelling van
>  Prometheus door een van zijn zonen: Hermes/Mercurius,
>  Apollo of Herakles (de Mensheid). En dan komt Kratos, de
>  metgezel van Zeus, (naamgever van Democratie) om de hoek
>  kijken...

En maakt de/onze 'democratie' gebruik van een begrip als Dualisme, welke
zijn oorsprong vindt in de 11de - 12de eeuw in Frankrijk, en uiteindelijke
de basis vormde voor de heksenjachten, lees inquisitie, en begrippen als
torture zijn intrede deed.

... Albi, France was the birthplace of this new belief and the members
became known to the Church as Albigenses and heretics.

The Albigenses believed there were two gods constantly at war against one
another. The "˜good' god of the New Testament and the "˜bad' god of the Old
Testament, also identified as Satan. Included in the Dualism doctrine was
the opinion that the Catholic Church, with its power and enormous wealth,
was an agent of the devil. Similar sects sprang up throughout Europe: the
Cathari of Greece, the Paulicans of Thrace, and the Bogomils of Bulgaria. As
the sects gathered wider acceptance, the Catholic Church began to view them
as more than merely a nuisance.

In 1165 AD, Pope Innocent III declared the Holy Roman Church a state so that
the crime of heresy would become a crime of treason and therefor punishable
by death. For the next sixty or seventy years the battle against Dualists
remained unorganized until 1231 AD when Pope Gregory IX created the papal
Inquisition for the Church sanctioned arrest of members of the heretical
sect. Inquisitors were appointed and placed under papal jurisdiction. The
semblance of a trial followed an arrest and the court had Church permission
to imprison those thought to be lying. In 1252, Pope Innocent IV sanctioned
the use of torture.

During the eradication of the Dualism sects, the Holy Roman Church - which
had previously regarded witches as merely misguided non-threats - turned its
eyes more ominously toward the prosecution of sorcery. The belief in Dualism
had all but been eradicated; the Church had exhausted most of the money
collected from forfeitures and the Inquisitors were looking for other
"˜dangers' to Christianity. As a result, in 1320, Pope Paul XXII, formally
sanctioned the arrest, torture, and execution of those who, ""¦made a pact
with hell." Wealthy women were often targeted for the possessions they would
forfeit as convicted witches.

By 1484, the persecution of witches had become so widespread that Pope
Innocent XIII issued a declaration - Summis Desiderantes - that granted two
Dominican monk Inquisitors authorization to publish a manual on the proper
methods of identifying and prosecuting witches. Three years later Heinrich
Kramer and James Sprenger unveiled "˜Malleus Maleficarum' - Hammer of
Witches. For the next two hundred and fifty years, this book would instigate
the deaths of thousands of innocent people and make belief in the devil
mandatory for Christians. Anyone, by denying the existence of Satan, also
denied God. This order would effectively stifle the words of any would-be
defender of an accused witch.

..." Bron:

1484 vs 1984, dat kan geen toeval zijn !! ;)

Eén van de slachtoffers was *Josyne* van *Beethoven, die **in Brussel **op
de brandstapel ging. Yep, een voorouder van Ludwig, *
*Brussel, dat heeft toch geen betekenis voor de Europese Democratie, wel?
;) *

Henk Elegeert (die verder maar niet kan begrijpen waarom dieren nu eerst
ritueel moeten worden verdoofd alvorens te worden geslacht. Ritueel slachten
was nu toch juist afgeschaft? Kortom: een heksenjacht in een modern jasje ?
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