European Jews Sign Petition Critical Of Israel - 2

Cees Binkhorst ceesbink at XS4ALL.NL
Mon May 3 20:28:21 CEST 2010

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Hieronder nog enkele reakties op het artikel in de Huffington Post.

Verbazingwekkend dat 77 Senatoren een petitie teken voor Israel.

Het aantal fans bij sommige berichten geven ook richting ;)

Groet / Cees
shivabeach   2 hours ago (11:39 AM)
5 Fans
They might want to tell our congress, which recently committed treason
by sending a letter out saying we will support them at any cost.

if Israel continues this settlement stuff which automatically takes any
chances of peace in the Middle East out of contention, but I think our
support for Israel must end at least financially. We owe them nothing,
especially the vast amounts of money that we send them.

And that is not to say that the Palestinians work any harder at peace
then the Israelis do.if the Palestinians don't stand up and say they
recognize Israel and treat them like a neighbor that all financial aid
to them must stop as well.

It's too bad our Congress has no more cahones then they do in the fight
on illegal immigration

who38   2 hours ago (11:47 AM)
115 Fans
Hear, hear. But 77 senators signed it. Scarey; isn't it? Unfortunately,
one of my Senators sponsored the letter.

ZoharLaor   2 hours ago (11:38 AM)
2 Fans
So what have we learned?

1) People's morals are in direct proportion to their distance from the

2) The Israeli politicians are whores just like their counterparts in
the rest of the world, and make bad short term decisions to appease /
buy votes so they could win the next election.

Those European Jews (or even European Arabs for that matter) want to
make a lick of difference in the Middle East they can sell their
prosperous homes in Europe and move to Israel / Palestine where life is
difficult, you and your family's daily security is questionable and cast
their vote based on the reality at the "trenches".

And before I get angered responses, yes, I think the settlements are
causing Israel great harm and, from personal experience, the settlers
are no better than the terrorists - there, I've said it.

  SiberianRat     2 hours ago (11:41 AM)
350 Fans
Life in Israel proper didn't seem so bleak to me and aside from Sderot,
I'm not sure that security is all that questionable. The prices in
Israel were harsh--other than that, it seemed very developed and life is
definitely easier than in the surrounding countries.

who38   2 hours ago (11:57 AM)
115 Fans
Can we send the 77 senators who signed the Boxer-Izakson letter with them?

  babyboomerorig     2 hours ago (11:45 AM)
109 Fans
The chance of peace is slim to none. Nothing will be accomplished until
the greed for money and other people's land is eliminated. Since there
will always be greed. there will always be wars and land grabbing fanatics.
SiberianRat   2 hours ago (11:49 AM)
350 Fans
Greed mixed with religious fanaticism gives us gems like the
Israel/Palestine mess, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Weird how it's the
religious "warriors" who sell their souls the most easily.

  ZenJu     2 hours ago (11:28 AM)
69 Fans
Good for them! I'm an Israeli, a dedicated Zionist, and I'm against the
continued occupation of much of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Ben-Gurion, the visionary who helped establish modern Israel, also
stated that we should NOT hold onto the West Bank and Gaza, and only the
Old City of Jerusalem and the Golan should be retained. If our country
is to remain a democracy, then this is the only viable option. A
peaceful Palestinian state needs to be establish, and Israel needs to
accommodate it as fairly as possible. The settler movement has too
strong a grip on the government and it's time to loosen that grip.
Settlers can become "Palestinians" or come home to Israel's proper and
final borders. We can share Jerusalem if ALL sides will dedicate
themselves to peace and working together for common cause.

  lightningbolt     2 hours ago (11:30 AM)
192 Fans
There is a group in the U.S. called J Street which is critical of
Israeli policies, and AIPAC hasn't labeled them as anti-Semitic. The
notion that AIPAC labels all critics of Israel as anti-Semites is
factually wrong. Only those who criticize Israel based on lies are
anti-Semites. Criticism based on facts is legitimate.
SiberianRat   2 hours ago (11:39 AM)
350 Fans
AIPAC has labeled J-Street as anti-Israeli though.
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hello All   2 hours ago (11:55 AM)
10 Fans
Read this HuffPo article
Staxx   2 hours ago (12:03 PM)
4 Fans
"Only those who criticize Israel based on lies are anti-Semites."

Well, it would be nice for the whole world if you'd first find out the
meaning of the word Semite. It's not very smart to keep using a word you
don't understand, the word Semite does not mean Israel, or even a Jew.
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David Norman   2 hours ago (11:39 AM)
56 Fans
Actually, they have. Alan Dershowitz has made a cottage industry
recently of attacking J- Street, a Jewish Lobby in the US that is
equivalent in it's stance to the European petition, on behalf of AIPAC.
It is time for the world to stop looking at the Israeli/Palestinian
conflict in terms of Jew Vs. Non-Jew and look at it for what it really
is, Hawk Vs. Dove. There are hawks and Doves on both sides. For a long
time now the Hawks have monopolized the debate, but now we Doves are
organizing and becoming vocal and active. I like most Jews, see the
existence of Israel as a necessity to the survival of Judaism. Most of
us also believe that the existence of Israel does NOT have to come at
the price of the subjugation of Palestinians and Palestinian lands.
Hopefully people are starting to hear us, and realize the perceptions of
Jews they may have as a result of those who bend this story into "Jew
Vs. Non-Jew" is born of a false story.

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