Google is gek geworden

Cees Binkhorst ceesbink at XS4ALL.NL
Sun Feb 14 10:16:05 CET 2010

REPLY TO: D66 at

Gewoon te gek voor woorden.
Google deelt alles wat je hun ooit hebt toevertrouwd, in de redelijke
verwachting dat dit privé zou blijven, met iedereen (die dit niet eens
wil weten).

Groet / Cees
I have some Gmail chat contacts who are bloggers that I'm in touch with.
They created a special account just to interact with their readers and,
as pretty customary in Italy, interact under their blogger moniker and
don't reveal their names.
Until today. Because Buzz put them in my followers without telling them,
and their full name was gloriously exposed if I only cared to hover over
their avatar with my mouse.
And, Buzz happily shares automatically anything you posted on Blogger,
Picasa, or Google Edit - and that maybe you did not want to share
through that specific avenue.
Knowingly or not, someone at Google did something very wrong.

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