Leading article: A scientific lesson in life, was Re: The Big Question: Why is creationism on the rise, and does it have a place in education?

Henk Elegeert hmje at HOME.NL
Fri Sep 12 08:44:36 CEST 2008

REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl


Leading article: A scientific lesson in life

Friday, 12 September 2008

Science has enjoyed an unusually high profile this week. It is rare
for a laboratory experiment to get live coverage on the international
news networks, but that was the honour bestowed on the switching on of
the Large Hadron Collider at the Cern research centre in Switzerland.

This is no ordinary experiment of course, but the largest and most
ambitious ever attempted. Over the past two decades, Cern has drawn on
the expertise of a veritable army of scientists. And it helps, of
course, that it is researching the most fundamental question of all:
how the universe came to be. The public interest that Cern has
generated is a wonderful example of how science can inspire us to ask
questions and think more deeply about the world around us. All it
needs to do now is provide some useful scientific data.

But we should not allow the excitement of Cern to distract us from the
fact that not all is well with the study of science in Britain. A
report published last week showed that thousands of bright children
are giving up maths and science at 16 because they, wrongly, do not
believe they are clever enough to succeed at A-level. The decline of
university chemistry and physics departments has been well chronicled.
And yesterday, Sir Michael Reiss, the director of education at the
Royal Society, voiced concerns that up to a tenth of children in
Britain hold "creationist" beliefs in the origins of the world.
Religious beliefs do not, of course, preclude someone from believing
in evolution. There are plenty of religious scientists around the
world. But it is easy to understand Sir Michael's concern about the
difficulty of educating those young minds prejudiced at an early age
by fundamentalist beliefs.

It would be idle to suggest that there are any quick and easy
solutions. There are certainly many things that the Government can be
doing to make a career in science more attractive. More resources
could be devoted to school science departments. And the line must, of
course, be held against those who would put up creationism as an
alternative "theory" to Darwinian evolution in the classroom.

But unlike the particles fired through the Cern's Large Hadron
Collider, the process of restoring science to its rightful position at
the centre of our education system is likely to be slow and gradual.

Zie hier Henk, het gevaar van onvoldoende kennis onder de bevolking,
en, dat nog even los van (valse) schaamte, uiteraard. ;)

De basis onder het (verder) opkomende creationisme is m.i. ook gelegen
in de iets te arrogante houding (ook op deze lijst), en onvoldoende
bereidheid de kennis te delen door de wetenschap(pers), dan wel, het
dusdanig inzichtelijk te maken dat het belang ervan - kortom: het
benodogde draagvlak- ook (blijvend) wordt (in)gezien.

Het maatschappelijk toegankelijk zijn/maken en waar mogelijk zelfs
bruikbaar is immers ook steeds de belofte. De toegenomen kennis op tal
van terreinen (be)dreigt voor velen het gemoedelijke van het
beschikken over het benodigde inzicht/overzicht.

Het AAAS (http://www.aaas.org/) is zich - in reactie op het
Creationsme - kennelijk wel bewust van deze omissie veroorzaakt door
de wetenschappelijke wereld zelve.

In dit land brengen we kennis zelfs op de meest onzinnige manier,
namelijk via spelletjes op de plublieke zender, en in een mate die
volstrekt onderdoet aan de hoeveelheid informatie. Er zijn er zelfs
die het creationsme openlijk op die zender promoten.

Als D66 beweert zo voor onderwijs te zijn, mag je van hen tenminste
verwachten daar ook gericht op in te zetten en de (mogelijke)
bedreigingen onder ogen te zien.

Henk Elegeert

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