Uitgebankierd: Beurs keldert

Ernst Debets edebets1 at EURONET.NL
Fri Oct 24 22:12:13 CEST 2008

REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl


Het is maar wat je wilt: nu het geld uitgeven (en speculeren met
belastinggeld, want dat is wat Bos doet) ofwel het belastinggeld
reserveren en het niet uitgeven, met het risoco dat je het eventueel wel
moet uitgeven. Wat is veiliger, met hetzelfde doel?
(Overigens, die opmerking over garantie kwam van een directeur van een
Nederlandse Bank).

Ernst Debets/

Fritz van Rikxoort schreef:
> REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl
> Dat bieden Bos en zijn collega's elders in Europa al,
> op kosten en/of risico van de belastingbetalers.
> Staatsschulden werden al gegarandeerd terugbetaald,
> en er kan 200 miljard staatsschuld zonodig geleend worden,
> als garantie voor onderlinge leningen van banken,
> tegen een geringe opslag/premie bovenop de onderlinge rente.
> Fritz van Rikxoort
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-d66 at NIC.SURFNET.NL [mailto:owner-d66 at NIC.SURFNET.NL] On Behalf
> Of Ernst Debets
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 7:39 PM
> To: 'd66'
> Subject: Re: Uitgebankierd: Beurs keldert
> REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl
> Over de rol van de regering hoorde ik vandaag een rake opmerking:
> Bos moet niet miljarden in de banken pompen in ruil voor aandelen, maar
> moet de banken geruststellen door garant te staan (dus het geld op zak
> te houden en alleen garanderen dat de overheid alle verliezen garandeert
> als een bank door omvallen in gebreke blijft).
> Gevolg zal zijn dat beetje bij beetje het vertrouwen tussen de banken
> hersteld wordt en dus het inmiddels practisch tot stilstand gekomen
> interbancaire systeem weer op gang komt...
> Ernst Debets/
> Zaanstad
> PS: ook nog vandaag op internet gelezen:
> Bankdirecteur zonder bonus = ambtenaar.
> Fritz van Rikxoort schreef:
>> REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl
>> Vreemd maar waar, Mark,
>> Je ziet in de VS en Nederland en elders in Europa
>> dat inderdaad de banken, schaduwbanken en speculanten
>> het spel volledig beheersen en controleren
>> en hun risico's opblazen / zwaar overdreven afboeken,
>> waardoor (schaduw)banken (bijna) vallen,
>> en waarop regeringen en parlementen in paniek
>> miljarden belastinggeld / te lenen staatschulden lappen.
>> Let wel: de schuldenaren zien hun schuld verkassen
>> naar de opkopers van failliet boedeldelen
>> - de schulden worden niet kwijtgescholden ! -
>> die veel meer aan aflossingen zullen binnenhalen dan boekwaarden.
>> In die zin bestaat de democratie niet meer,
>> en is die zoals voorspeld onmachtig geworden,
>> niet zozeer naar internationale handels- en productieconcerns,
>> als wel naar (schaduw)bankconcerns en grote speculanten.
>> Op termijn wordt alsnog veel meer gevangen voor slechte leningen
>> dan nu onder druk / als slim spel de lage waarden waarnaar afgeboekt is.
>> Wouter Bos i.c. wij lappen IJsland/IJslandse bank bijvoorbeeld
>> per rekeninghouder maximaal bijna 80.000 (naast lening ruim 20.000),
>> de IJslandse Bank gaat failliet,
>> anderen nemen de afgeboekte leningen over voor een heel zacht prijsje,
>> de leners blijven verplicht af te lossen, de overnemer pakt de winst.
>> De grote vraag waar de verdwenen (lees: afgeboekte) miljarden blijven,
>> is simpel beantwoord: bij de opkopers van de (bijna) failliete
> bankboedels.
>> De (centrale bank)overheden speelden speculanten en gokbanken in de kaart
>> door bij slechte aflossingen/leningen hoge eigen vermogens van banken te
>> eisen en als boekwaarde van slechte leningen de actuele marktwaarde
>> i.p.v. de reëel te verwachten terugbetalingen.
>> De truuk met het doorverkopen van doorverpakte (hypothecaire) leningen
>> is volledig geslaagd:
>> de overheden speelden het spel mee i.p.v. tegenspel te bieden.
>> Waar bij het laten ploffen van BV's alleen bedrijven en burgers lappen,
>> zijn overheden nu medeverantwoordelijk voor het onnodig laten ploffen
>> van de luchtbellen gecreëerd met doorverkopen van pakketten leningen,
>> en lappen via de overheden alle burgers nu massaal mee.
>> Fritz van Rikxoort
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-d66 at NIC.SURFNET.NL [mailto:owner-d66 at NIC.SURFNET.NL] On Behalf
>> Of Mark Giebels
>> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 3:59 PM
>> To: Henk Elegeert
>> Cc: d66
>> Subject: Re: Uitgebankierd: Beurs keldert
>> REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl
>> Vreemd verhaal. In het hele artikel krijgen de Republikeinen de schuld
>> van alle ellende (voor een groot deel terecht denk ik) en vervolgens is de
>> conclusie dat de presidentsverkiezingen irrelevant zijn.
>> Mark
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 3:36 AM, Henk Elegeert <hmje at home.nl> wrote:
>>> REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl
>>> Op 22 oktober 2008 20:32 heeft Ernst Debets <edebets1 at euronet.nl> het
>>> volgende geschreven:
>>>> Rustig afwachten heren,
>>>> Nu instappen en over 1 1/2 a 2 jaar lach je iedereen uit! (Dat doet
>>>> Woutertje Bos toch ook?)
>>> Ernst,
> http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/14-reasons-main-street-loses/story.asp
> x?guid={F63EC448-D9C1-4138-AC18-97BF0FE68EE3}&print=true&dist=printMidSectio
>> n
>>> "
>>> Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies'
>>> 14 reasons Main Street loses big while Wall Street sabotages democracy
>>> By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
>>> Last update: 7:10 p.m. EDT Oct. 20, 2008
>>> ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Yes, we're dummies. You. Me.
>>> All 300 million of us. Clueless. We should be ashamed. We're obsessed
>>> about the slogans and rituals of "democracy," distracted by the
>>> campaign, polls, debates, rhetoric, half-truths and outright lies.
>>> McCain? Obama? Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it no longer
>>> matters who's president.
>>> Why? The real "game changer" already happened. Democracy has been
>>> replaced by Wall Street's new "disaster capitalism." That's the big
>>> game-changer historians will remember about 2008, masterminded by Wall
>>> Street's ultimate "Trojan Horse," Hank Paulson. Imagine: Greed,
>>> arrogance and incompetence create a massive bubble, cost trillions,
>>> and still Wall Street comes out smelling like roses, richer and more
>>> powerful!
>>> Yes, we're idiots: While distracted by the "illusion of democracy" in
>>> the endless campaign, Congress surrendered the powers we entrusted to
>>> it with very little fight. Congress simply handed over voting power
>>> and the keys to trillions in the Treasury to Wall Street's new
>>> "Disaster Capitalists" who now control "democracy."
>>> Why did this happen? We're in denial, clueless wimps, that's why. We
>>> let it happen. In one generation America has been transformed from a
>>> democracy into a strange new form of government, "Disaster
>>> Capitalism." Here's how it happened:
>>>    *
>>>      Three decades of influence peddling in Washington has built an
>>> army of 42,000 special-interest lobbyists representing corporations
>>> and the wealthy. Today these lobbyists manipulate America's 537
>>> elected officials with massive campaign contributions that fund
>>> candidates who vote their agenda.
>>>    *
>>>      This historic buildup accelerated under Reaganomics and went
>>> into hyperspeed under Bushonomics, both totally committed to a new
>>> disaster capitalism run privately by Wall Street and Corporate
>>> America. No-bid contracts in wars and hurricanes. A housing-credit
>>> bubble -- while secretly planning for a meltdown.
>>>    *
>>>      Finally, the coup de grace: Along came the housing-credit
>>> crisis, as planned. Press and public saw a negative, a crisis.
>>> Disaster capitalists saw a huge opportunity. Yes, opportunity for big
>>> bucks and control of America. Millions of homeowners and marginal
>>> banks suffered huge losses. Taxpayers stuck with trillions in debt.
>>> But giant banks emerge intact, stronger, with virtual control over
>>> government and the power to use taxpayers' funds. They're laughing at
>>> us idiots!
>>> Amazing isn't it, Wall Street's Disaster Capitalists screwed up,
>>> likely planned or let happen this meltdown and recession. Yet
>>> America's clueless taxpayers just reward them by giving the screw-ups
>>> massive bailouts, control over more than $2 trillion of tax money, and
>>> the power to clean up the mess they made. Oh yes, we are dummies!
>>> This end game was planned for years in secret war rooms on Wall
>>> Street, in Corporate America, in Washington and the Forbes 400.
>>> Democracy is too cumbersome. It had to be marginalized for Disaster
>>> Capitalism to take over. Reagan, Bush and Paulson were Wall Street's
>>> "Trojan Horses."
>>> Naomi Klein summarizes the game in "Shock Doctrine: the Rise of
>>> Disaster Capitalism." This "new economy" generates enormous profits
>>> feeding off other peoples' misery: Wars, terror attacks, natural
>>> catastrophes, poverty, trade sanctions, subprime housing meltdowns and
>>> all kinds of economic, financial and political disasters. Natural
>>> (Katrina) or manmade (Iraq), either way "disaster capitalism" creates
>>> fortunes.
>>> So you, me and the other 300 million better get out of denial. America
>>> is no longer a democracy. Voting is irrelevant. Best case scenario:
>>> We're a plutocracy, a government ruled by the wealthy, the richest 1%,
>>> the Forbes 400, the influential wealthy elite, while the other 99% are
>>> their "servants." Meanwhile, the inflation-adjusted income of
>>> wage-earners has declined for three decades.
>>> Worst case scenario: America's no democracy and as a result of the
>>> meltdown and the surrender of our power to Wall Street's new Disaster
>>> Capitalism we are morphing into what one WWII dictator called
>>> "corporatism," a "merger of state and corporate power," kind of like
>>> what's going on now with Goldman Sachs' ex-boss as de facto president.
>>> Wolves in sheep's clothing
>>> Yes, a strong charge. But like a lot of our readers, I don't like
>>> what's happening to America. I'm a patriot. I volunteered for the
>>> Marines. Served four years. Volunteered for Korea. I don't like how
>>> our freedoms, rights and value system are being subverted in the name
>>> of greed, arrogance, self-righteous intolerance and other false gods.
>>> We know for the last eight years disaster capitalists ignored obvious
>>> warnings of a coming meltdown. They apparently planned it. They road
>>> the bull, got very rich. Now they have the ultimate disaster
>>> capitalist weapons, trillions in tax money, virtual control of
>>> government.
>>> That's why I fear we're on the edge of a dangerous line between Wall
>>> Street's version of disaster capitalism and a toxic "merger of state
>>> and corporate power." The wolf is in sheep's clothing. Wall Street
>>> pretends we're a democracy. Yet America more closely resembles the
>>> kind of "corporatism" that Laurence W. Britt wrote about five years
>>> ago in Free Inquiry magazine.
>>> We adapted his historical analysis of 14 key traits for today's
>>> discussion. Notice how they have a huge impact your investments and
>>> retirement:
>>> 1. Wall Street rich get first priority
>>> Think "bailout." Wall Street's greedy con game spins out of control
>>> globally. Millions of homeowners misled, lose. Who gets hundreds of
>>> billions first? Wall Street's con men.
>>> 2. National security obsession
>>> Think of the expansion of executive powers in the name of national
>>> security: Preemptive wars, wiretapping private citizens, Gitmo,
>>> torture; driven by a dark wealthy neocon elite.
>>> 3. Superpower with massive military
>>> Think of our $3 trillion Iraq/Afghan War. Disaster capitalists love
>>> the thrill of military power. We outspend all nations, over half the
>>> federal budget to strut before the world.
>>> 4. Extreme nationalism
>>> Signs are everywhere: Flags, lapel pins, "support the troops" slogans,
>>> all to get huge military budgets passed. Challenge them and you're
>>> un-American and unpatriotic.
>>> 5. Rally the masses by scapegoating enemies
>>> Think "axis of evil," mushroom clouds, "Islamofascists," more
>>> terrorist attacks on the homeland. Propaganda creates "enemies" in the
>>> public's mind and distracts from real issues.
>>> 6. Corruption and cronyism
>>> Think earmarks, no-bid defense contracts, paid mercenaries
>>> outnumbering military in Iraq, superlobbyist Jack Abramoff, biofuels,
>>> bridge to nowhere, millions donated to campaigns.
>>> 7. Obsession with crime
>>> Think of prison-building as just another investment opportunity,
>>> rather than focusing on reforming our criminal justice system. Stoke
>>> irrational fear of criminals and extremists.
>>> 8. Labor and low wages
>>> Think corporate earnings versus the wages paid to workers. No
>>> "trickling down," leaves more for tricklers: Rich insiders,
>>> stockholders. Wages dropping as CEO salaries skyrocket.
>>> 9. Contempt for human rights
>>> Think of abuses of habeas corpus, loss of right to trial, bogus
>>> charges, plus "demonizing" the victims, all in the name of national
>>> defense and homeland security.
>>> 10. Mass media manipulation
>>> Think of leaking false information, Joseph Wilson, Valerie Plame,
>>> Scooter Libby, Colin Powell's United Nation's testimony, Condoleezza
>>> Rice's mushroom clouds, WMDs, all to suppress the truth.
>>> 11. Obsession with sexism
>>> Think of paternalism, antigays, antiabortion, subordinate women --
>>> then codify the system as the law of the land reinforcing a
>>> male-dominated society, punish violators.
>>> 12. Disdain for intellectuals
>>> Think of conservative intellectuals Francis Fukuyama and Bill Buckley.
>>> Contrast them to Sarah Palin and Joe Sixpack conservatism, Bush's
>>> funding cuts for arts and science education.
>>> 13. Religion in government
>>> Think of all the faith-based programs versus antiscience in drug
>>> approvals, creationism vs. evolution, Ten Commandments enshrined in
>>> public buildings, public money to churches.
>>> 14. Fraudulent elections
>>> Think of police and prosecutorial intimidation and threats to voters,
>>> challenging minority voters, ballots disappearing, party election
>>> officials committing outright fraud.
>>> Yes, officially America is still a democracy. We have enough signs and
>>> rituals to support that illusion. But the truth is America has become
>>> a plutocracy run by and for the wealthy. And since Wall Street's
>>> Disaster Capitalism coup de grace, we are rapidly morphing into a
>>> dangerous new government.
>>> For more, read Britt's original
>>> article(
> http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?page=britt_23_2&section=library),
>>> then add comments here: Was the meltdown planned by Wall Street's
>>> Disaster Capitalists? End of Story
>>> "
>>> Ik verwacht van de politiek, zeker de bestuurders dat ze duidelijk en
>>> helder maken wat er nu werkelijk aan de hand is en wat er nu allemaal
>>> precies, en waar en waarom het fout zit en wat de daarop te nemen
>>> maatregelen zijn. En, waarbij de overheid zichzelf als de wiedeweerga
>>> uit de belangensfeer terug trekt, en niet zelf mee gaat doen teneinde:
>>> ´om ons allen rijk te maken´?!! Kwats derhalve, en maakt de overheid
>>> zich nu niet zelf schuldig aan wangedrag?!!!
>>> Ik stel vast dat we met z´n allen in een soort van ´god zegene de
>>> greep¨ zitten waarbij de hoop gevestigd wordt op een voor ons allen
>>> florissante toekomst. Die komt er niet !! De kans is groter dat we ons
>>> massaal in een lemmingenverhaal storten.
>>> Henk Elegeert
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