Vooruit ! (Oorsprong gevonden)

Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks fluks at DDS.NL
Sun Jun 5 23:21:00 CEST 2005

REPLY TO: D66 at nic.surfnet.nl

Kijk, als men eenmaal weet waar men naar moet zoeken, dan is er geen bal
aan... uit het onderste krantenartikel blijkt dat de metafoor wordt toege-
geschreven aan oud-bondskanselier Helmut Kohl...

   One expects most of the European political leaders to go on pretending
   that everything will be all right. They have lived for years on the
   metaphor that the EU is like a bicycle that must not stop moving, and
   now they may die by it, peddling ever more frantically and absurdly to
   avoid falling off, like a troupe of circus clowns. They may even
   succeed for a surprisingly long time.

   Herr Kohl believed the peoples of Europe would understand that they
   were on a bicycle. If you stop pedalling your bike, it will quickly
   fall over. He believed that the Europeans would keep pedalling, and
   would deal with the democratic deficit by demanding a proper European

Matc Fluks, Amsterdam

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